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China: GanSu Province: The elderly get the Special Health Insurance Card to help the Emergency Car Accidents 

(April 8, 2004) 

LanZhou - The Aging Committee, Health Department as well as GanSu Division of China Life Insurance Company provide older persons with a special health insurance card to help them in case of an emergency car accident. With this card, the elderly can get priority service from insurance companies. Zhaoming Hu, the director for the General Branch, said that females who are older than 55 years and have retired and males who are older than 60 years and have retired can apply for this special card. The regular card is RMB8/year; the silver card is RMB20/year; and the golden card is RMB 30/year.




記者  聶建江



蘭州 - 甘肅省老齡委﹑衛生廳﹑人保財險公司甘肅分公司精心醞釀的"老年愛心救助卡"開始向全省發放﹐憑借這張卡﹐老年人發生交通意外事故﹐可以享受多種優先條件和保險救助﹐甘肅省老齡委綜合處處長胡兆明介紹﹐"老年愛心救助卡"的發放對象為男性60歲以上﹑女性55歲以上的老年人﹑離退休老人。救助卡分為8元普通卡﹑20元銀卡和30元金卡三類﹐保期分別為一年﹑三年和五年﹐保險金額均為1萬元。











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