"L'avenir de nos retraites" : an introduction to the Charpin report

Commissariat Général du Plan
April 1999

Note by Global Action On Aging. 

After the " Livre blanc" from Michel Rocard in 1991 and the "Rapport Briet" of 1995, M. Charpin, Commissaire général du Plan, made a study last year regarding the future of the public pensions system in France. While showing that the income of retired people is adequate, the report reaffirms the legitimacy of the French social security system.  

According to the report, the new millenium shows a ratio of seven retired for every ten employed persons. Therefore, the report emphasizes the issue of discrimination towards older people in the workplace. Companies must rethink their structural organization in regard to the role of older workers. However, an increase in productivity and a decrease of unemployment will not be sufficient to solve the problem of retirement financing.  

The report also provides some interesting information about the public pension systems around the world. In the wake of the innovations abroad, the report strives to present some innovative ideas. The Public retirement financing period should be longer and employees should retire at 65 years of age (see details in the Charpin Report). The report also points out the idea of creating a reserve fund to finance retirement. However, problems still remain. How much should be placed in this fund? How would it be financed and who would be responsible for it?

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