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Rural Aging: United States 

Archives  1997 to 2002

Graying Black Panthers Fight Would-Be Heirs (October 8, 2002)
Mr. Seale is among a small group of former Black Panthers, who fear their contentious storied legacy in African-American history, is being sullied by a new and harsher brand of Pantherism.


Indoor plumbing makes inroads in rural U.S. (July 5, 2002)
Data from the 2000 census show that there are almost 671,000 homes, mostly elderly people, poor and living in rural areas, who have no indoor plumbing, no hot and cold water, and no bath or shower.  Alaska led the national count with 6.3 percent without complete plumbing, followed by the southern region of the U.S. with the highest rate of homes without toilets and tubs.


Rural West Virginia winning Over Health Care Workers (June 21, 2001)
Rural medical facilities have had trouble attracting and keeping medical students.  Because of this problem, West Virginia has developed programs to recruit and assist students in practicing medicine in rural parts of the state.  According to this New York Times article, rural medicine requires a different approach than urban medicine.  This program has inspired many more health care workers to stay in rural communities.


Medicare Panel Wants Higher Rural Payments (June 12, 2001)
According to CNN, a report will be issued to Congress, stressing an increase in Medicare help in rural areas. A panel will present the economic conditions of rural America and recommend that rural hospitals receive a larger sum of money, in order to serve a substantial low-income population of patients.


Outcasts in the Country (June 10, 2001)
Surprisingly, twenty years after AIDS was first detected, rural communities still fear and discriminate against people suffering from HIV/AIDS. As portrayed in the Washington Post, some AIDS patients not only have to travel long distances in order to find health care, but also have to hide their illness in order to prevent verbal attacks from their community.


Mobile Va. Health Clinic Serves Rural Populations (June 3, 2001)
For many years rural America has been underserved, especially on a health care level. This article, taken from the Baltimore Sun, exhibits the need for full time doctors in rural areas. While a mobile health clinic offers some help it is no substitute for public access to full-time medical professionals.


In the South, Deadly Silence (June 1, 2001)
This article, printed in the Boston Globe, depicts that AIDS victims are steadily growing in rural areas. Jeff Davis who is living with HIV, is trying to keep it a secret from his community for fear of being discriminated against. Surprisingly, Davis is not alone. This secrecy is making it harder for AIDS activists to get more governmental support at home while not losing it in Africa.


Pacts Offer Hope to Poor Rural Tribes (April 29, 2001)
Rural American Indian tribes are often the site of gambling activities. Since 1988 gaming has been a source of economic development for many tribes in Arizona. As portrayed in the conservative newspaper, the Arizona Republic, tribes plan to use gaming revenues to build their healthcare system, schools, and also hire teachers and nurses. However, three fourths of the tribes are non-gaming and are in need of alternate resources. While touted by the news report, the evidence is still out about whether gambling improves or risks seriously the quality of life.


Rural Hospital Focuses on Its Financial Health (April 17, 2001)
This article, published in The New York Times,  reports the difficulties  facing a rural hospital, Armstrong, struggling to survive and avert the closure of this 186 bed-hospital. This example mirrors a general trend, characterized by waves of hospital closures throughout the country, where decreased payments from insurers, weak management and inefficient technology are compounding the situation. The article relates its story.Site is still under development. Please check back with us soon for up to date information.


Rural Hospitals to Ask for Bigger Medicare Share (February 7, 2001)
This article, published in The New York Times, raises the issue of rural health care. There has been a growing concern among rural hospitals about Medicare's care calculations of labor costs. Rural hospitals are now striving to lobby  Congress so as to get more money.


Widowville, U.S.A. (September 11, 2000)
This article, published in US News, describes how widows are organized and contribute to boom the situation of Grant City (Worth County) in which old and lonely women are the most important part of the population.


Enjoying life after death (September 11, 2000)
This article, extracted from US News, shows how widowhood has become a new stage of an older woman's life. As widows represent 11 million in the United States, they have led the reinvention of old age. They cannot define themselves as wives anymore but they have to figure out who they are as women.


More Hunger Among Elderly (August 20, 2000)
This article, published in The New York Daily News, shows that many older people cannot afford food in the USA. Despite some programs set up to help them, a lot of urban elderly are still in serious need, because they cannot afford both drugs and food.


Mental Health in Rural America (May 1, 1999)
These papers prepared by the National Rural Health Association take an in-depth look into the topic of mental health in rural America. It brings attention to some mental health issues in rural areas and provides a series of recommendations on how to improve such problems.


Are We Tarnishing Their Golden Years? (February 12, 1997)
This article, extracted from The New York Daily News, describes how difficult it is for older people to live in a big city. Older people feel particularly vulnerable in New York City in which an increase in disrespect for elderly seems to be underway.

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