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NGO MIPAA Progress Reports 2002-2008

Tell your story to the world on our widely-read website! NGOs are a crucial part of the United Nations’ bottom-up strategy to implement the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing. On the occasion of the 5 year review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing, Global Action on Aging (GAA) invites you to share your organization’s activities that have helped implement the Madrid Plan in your home country. Please fill out the questionnaire as soon as possible and return to globalageing@yahoo.com. Let others know throughout the world what you are doing to make life better for older people. The questionnaire is available in Microsoft Word format in English, Spanish, and Russian.


2008 | 2007


Iran: The Ladies Charitable Society (LCS) (February 2008)
According to the Ladies Charitable Society, the situation for older people in Iran is improving. More than 3,000 LCS volunteers support the elderly in facilities where they have access to care, leisure, education and religious activities. In 1999, LCS organized the “First International Ageing Conference of Iran,” successfully putting aging on the agenda of the Iranian government. As a result, the Parliament formed an Ageing Committee and the Iranian School of Medical Science opened a Department of Geriatrics. To see some pictures, please click here.

Slovenia: Federation of Pensioners’ Association of Slovenia (February 2008)
Older people in Slovenia live in vulnerable circumstances. Some 12% exist below the poverty line and nearly 60% of people in their 80’s have health problems. Moreover, some laws discriminate against older workers, such as the Act of Social Welfare that forbids retired experts to lead projects for the elderly. The Federation of Pensioners’ Association of Slovenia—with 360,000 members in 502 local associations—are pressing the government to put MIPAA into action. 

Uganda: Voices of Older Persons in Uganda (February 2008)
The Non Profit Organization, Uganda Reach the Aged Organization, explains in this report the situation of older persons in Uganda. Some laws discriminate against older persons who cannot, for example, access a bank loan. Thanks to MIPAA, older people have been included in anti-poverty programs. Moreover, the government has promised that over the next five year it will give priority to health care and social pension policies. 

Vietnam: Age Demand Action (February 2008)
In Vietnam, more than 30% of old people live below the poverty line, and more than 65% have no access to pension or health care coverage. However, the government has taken initiatives to help older persons, such as the financial and administrative support of 10,000 older persons’ clubs. Other measures are planned. During the Age Demands Action Campaign, Help Age International and its partners opened a website focused on old persons’ issues and established working groups. 

Bangladesh: NGO Report on MIPAA Progress 2002-2008. Completed Questionnaire by the Institute of Hazrat Mohammed (February 2008)
The Institute of Hazrat Mohammed in Bangladesh is a non-profit organization that helps older people to find a place in society. Older persons are hired to serve on the staff. Elders can read materials for free and share their opinions with other seniors in a place allocated for them in the institute. The Bangladesh government has been attentive to the needs of seniors by providing a new and efficient pension scheme especially meaningful to people living in rural areas. 

Ukraine: NGO Report on MIPAA Progress 2002-2008. Completed Questionnaire by the Ukrainian Charity (February 2008)
The Ukrainian Charity, “Turbota pro Litnih v Ukraini,” (Age Concern Ukraine) advocates for old people’s rights throughout Ukraine. The charity wants to make seniors aware of their human rights. There are nine information centers and six information points in sixteen Ukrainian cities where volunteer advisors and advocates can help older people to protect their rights. They also edit a magazine that focuses on aging issues. Moreover, they train groups of volunteers to provide support to lonely people and gather information to inform top officers of the Social Protection Branch about the issues older people are facing. 

Brazil: NGO Report on MIPAA Progress 2002-2008. Completed Questionnaire by the Intercultural Adults Association (February 2008)
The non-profit organization Intercultural Adults Association fights to give elderly people access to leisure. Pedro Paulo Marques Cajaty, president, believes that leisure is not a cure but “slows the effects of the diseases.” Moreover, the NGO encourages wider knowledge and research about the natural remedies and medicines of the Amazon Forest. 

Nepal: NGO Report on MIPAA Progress 2002-2008. Completed Questionnaire by Nepan (February 2008)
Nepan, one of the biggest Nepalese non profit organizations related to aging, has taken advocacy steps, both before and after the adoption of the Madrid International Plan on Action on Ageing in 2002. They translated the MIPAA into the Nepalese language as well as organized workshops and lobbied throughout Nepal to educate older people. Currently, they also lead a micro credit project and do research on social pensions. According to the organization, the environment for older persons in Nepal is changing positively and the government is moving forward to embrace MIPAA. 

Russia: NGO Report on MIPAA Progress 2002-2008. Completed Questionnaire by Dobroedelo, the Resource Center of Gerontological NGOs (January 2008)
The Social Gerontologists of Russia have organized a Foundation that carries out helpful work publicizing the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing and advocating with elected officials for a national plan on aging, to create a national committee on aging and to re-institute a Department of Elder Affairs in the Health Ministry. Thus far, neither the executive nor the legislative branch has accepted or instituted these recommendations, to the continued detriment of older persons. 

Poland: NGO Report on MIPAA Progress 2002-2008. Completed Questionnaire by Foundation for Womens' Issues "I am Women" (January 2008)
The Polish-based Foundation for Womens’ Issues works on seniors’ concerns in a larger coalition of non-political NGOs in 9 cities. Since the adoption of the Madrid Plan, the Foundation surveyed attitudes of age discrimination and media treatment of older persons. Its programming focuses on women’s needs and resources, inter-generational cooperation and equality in society. At every opportunity, the MIPAA goals are discussed. The Polish government did not contact or invite the organization to contribute to a “bottom up” evaluation of MIPAA. 

US: NGO Report on MIPAA Progress 2002-2008. Completed Questionnaire by the Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues (January 2008)
The Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues looks at aging, among many other topics, in both a regularly published journal and a newsletter. Members who are attracted to aging focus on health of elders as their primary interest. Thanks to consultative status with the United Nations, the organization’s members have taken leadership in the NGO Committees on Aging based in Geneva and New York. No government where the Society is active requested its help in a “bottom up” evaluation of MIPAA. 


Argentina: NGO Report on MIPAA Progress 2002-2007. Completed Questionnaire by the Eckman Foundation (August 2007) 
The Eckman Foundation based in Buenos Aires, Argentina, has worked on numerous projects in cooperation with the government and other non-governmental organizations and gerontology associations. Projects included seminars on improving health care services for older persons, the human rights of older persons and a campaign on empowering the elderly. The Argentinean government along with the foundation and other organizations are preparing a progress report for the upcoming 5-year review of the Madrid Plan. 

Uganda: NGO Report on MIPAA Progress 2002-2007. Completed Questionnaire by Reach the Aged (August 2007) 
The Uganda Reach the Aged Association works and advocates for improved quality of life and preservation of the dignity of older persons in Uganda, working with various stakeholders to support older persons and national age care organizations. Reach the Aged supports MIPAA implementation in several ways. Specifically, the organization assisted in drafting a national policy on older persons and successfully works on mainstreaming aging into national health policies, such as in the National HIV/AIDS Five Year Strategic Plan, as well as poverty-related policies.

Ukraine: NGO Report on MIPAA Progress 2002-2007. Completed Questionnaire by “Turbota pro Litnih v Ukraini” (August 2007) 
(Also available in Russian)
The Ukrainian charity “Turbota pro Litnih v Ukraini” (Age Concern Ukraine) was the principal organization translating the Madrid Plan and the Political Declaration into Ukrainian. The organization circulates copies free of charge and keeps seniors up to date with current issues with its publication “Life Time.” The organization further aims at involving older persons in decision making processes and has representation in local governments. Please also have a look at the pictures provided by the NGO “Turbota pro Litnih v Ukraini”.

India: NGO Report on MIPAA Progress 2002–2007. Completed Questionnaire by Anugraha
Anugraha, a national level NGO in India, is one of the organizations helping to advance the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) in that country. Anugraha’s stated mission is to “empower the destitute and neglected persons,” focusing on helping the disadvantaged rural and urban communities in six states of India. See the report to learn how Anugraha helps promote implementation of the Madrid Plan, the organization’s achievements and interaction with the government, as well as other organizations working in the field of aging.

Lebanon: NGO Report on MIPAA Progress 2002–2007. Completed Questionnaire by Dar Al-Ajaza Al-Islamia Hospital (DAIH)
Following a Global Action on Aging call for NGOs around the world to evaluate the implementation of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing (MIPAA) in their respective countries, Dar Al-Ajaza Al-Islamia Hospital (DAIH) of Lebanon responded to the GAA survey, emphasizing the predicament of older persons in politically unstable and insecure societies. DAIH has been expanding since the year of its foundation, 1954, and now accommodates 700 patients and provides free medical services to about 98% of them. This report answers questions about specific accomplishments of this NGO, its role in promoting the Madrid Plan and how the Government of Lebanon contributes to the implementation of the Madrid Plan.

Belize: NGO Report on MIPAA Progress 2002 – 2007 Completed Questionnaire by the National Council of Ageing (NCA)
The National Council of Ageing (NCA) of Belize responded to a Global Action on Aging and an NGO/NY Committee on Ageing survey on the occasion of the 5 year review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing. Since 2003, NCA has been working to implement the National Policy for Older Persons promoting issues affecting older persons and encouraging the use of the Madrid International Plan of Action to serve as the main reference for age-related initiatives. Read the answers to questions about specific accomplishments of this NGO, its role in promoting the Madrid Plan and how the Government of Belize is using the Madrid Plan.

World: NGO MIPAA Follow-up Reports 2002-2007 (May 2007) 
NGOs play a big part in the Madrid Plan’s “Bottom-up” implementation strategy. The following NGO country reports from Bangladesh, India, Indonesia along with regional reports from Latin America (click here for the Spanish version and here for the English version), East Africa, and Asia Pacific (report in French), demonstrate how NGO activities and innovative projects have helped put MIPAA into action.

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