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Pakistan's Most Vulnerable Receive First GIK of 2007



January 9, 2007

Over 500 Extremely Vulnerable Individuals (EVI's), who survived the 2005 devastating quake received the first GIK as temperatures plummeted from minus 4 degrees Centigrade to minus 8 degrees in the villages of the quake zone in first week of January.

The orphans, widows, elderly and alone and disabled persons identified by World Vision's Protection Department in villages in quake-hit Jabouri and Sum recieved (GIK) packs contained jackets for adults and woolen sweaters, caps, scarves, knitted blankets and pairs of socks for the children.

'We had nothing left in the earthquake and we were in dire need of warm clothing in the biting cold', said 16-years-old Viqas Ahmad of Banda Geesach village.

'I have two school going brothers and two sisters, and my father is a manual labourer. I recently passed my Secondary School examination and now I am seeking admission to college. I shall be able to wear this jacket while going to college', Viqas added.

There are 900 children among the beneficiaries of the Australian GIK.

'I have two sons and one daughter. The woolen sweaters, scarves and socks will protect my 3-years-old daughter Barella Nawaz from severe cold', he said

'My house had collapsed in the earthquake and we had nothing left. World Vision helped us in all possible ways by providing food and Non-Food Items (NFI)', said Bakht Nawaz of Jabouri.

'I shall myself wear the jacket and the other woolen stuff will keep warm my sons Umair Nawaz, a student of Nursery Class and Zubair Nawaz, a Grade 1 student', continued Bakht.

World Vision has constructed a number access roads and water channels in Siran valley under its Cash for Work and Food for Work projects and is still working on a number of reconstruction projects to restore the people's livelihoods shattered by October 2005 earthquake.

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