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Thousands of Displaced Lebanese Arrived in World Vision ADPs

World Vision Middle East/Eastern Europe office (MEERO)


July 18, 2006

Oum Adnan, a seventy-five-year-old woman is one of over two thousand refugees who sought 
shelter in Beirut Urban ADP.  All of her family members were killed in the recent shelling and now she is completely alone.

Oum Adnan, a seventy-five-year-old woman is one of over two thousand refugees who sought shelter in Beirut Urban ADP. All of her family members were killed in the recent shelling and now she is completely alone.  World Vision MEERO, http://meero.worldvision.org

Over five thousand weary internally displaced individuals have been received by World Vision Lebanon's Area Development Programs (ADP) as spiraling violence continues in Lebanon and Israel for the 7th consecutive day.

Since the arrival of the IDP's (Internally displaced persons) in World Vision's ADPs in the capital Beirut, on Sunday, World Vision has provided assistance with finding shelter in nearby mosques and schools in partnership with the local municipality, and provided food water, baby food and medical and hygiene supplies.

Many of the IDP's are women and children who lack medication and food supplies.

Oum Adnan, a seventy-five-year-old woman is one of over two thousand refugees who sought shelter in Beirut Urban ADP. All of her family members were killed in the recent shelling and now she is completely alone.

'Daughter, can you please help me, can you give me more blood pressure medication, please? I have where else to go and I am scared', pleaded the elderly woman to a local World Vision Lebanon member of staff assisting in the relief effort. 

A seven member World Vision team including local volunteers has now been established to coordinate relief efforts in another ADP in the Beirut, closest to the southern suburbs of the capital. A complete assessment of the needs of the IDP's, in partnership with the local municipality which includes the situation of local inhabitants, where some houses are now home to up to 8 families has also been carried out.

Around 230 Lebanese and twenty five Israelis are reported to have lost their lives in the conflict todate. Tens of thousands are evacuating Lebanon, with at least 80, 000 expected to arrive on the island of Cyprus over the next few days.

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