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Chains lobby on drug benefit  

Associated Press via the Baltimore Sun
October 21, 2003

Wal-Mart, others see threat from Medicare bill; They fear being shut out; Mail-order services' role called conflict of interest  

The nation's drugstores and supermarkets are engaged in a furious lobbying campaign to limit the influence of rivals likely to play a prominent role in a prescription drug benefit for Medicare recipients.

The big chains say the growing mail-order services owned by pharmacy benefit managers pose a threat to retailers. They fear being shut out of the market if the managers administer the benefit under Medicare and also sell drugs by mail order.

House and Senate conferees are trying to reconcile two Medicare bills, both of which propose providing billions a year in drug prescription coverage for the poorest among the elderly and disabled.

Efforts to forge a compromise between the House and Senate Medicare bills have been sluggish, although the pace has picked up in recent days.

The prospect that lawmakers might produce legislation in coming weeks has given new urgency to the lobbying effort.

Wal-Mart, Walgreens, Giant Food, Kroger Co. and other sellers of prescription drugs wrote House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert, calling the dual role by pharmacy benefit managers a conflict of interest.

A benefits manager "that owns or operates a mail-order pharmacy has an incentive to direct prescriptions through their mail-order pharmacy," the companies said.

Their letter pointed to a recent study that found "self-dealing" would cost taxpayers and the elderly between $14.5 billion and $29 billion over 10 years.

Congress has prohibited doctors who participate in government health programs from directing business to companies in which they have a financial interest. The pharmacies and their allies want a similar provision in the Medicare bill for pharmacy benefit managers.

Arkansas Rep. John Boozman, a Republican whose district includes Wal-Mart's headquarters, said, "The self-dealing by the [pharmacy benefit managers] means higher costs. I think just common sense tells us that. How can you strike the best deal when you're dealing with yourself?"

The retailers also seek to reinforce their position by noting government allegations that Medco Health Solutions Inc., the largest pharmacy benefit-management company, pressured doctors into switching patients to medications made by its former owner, pharmaceutical giant Merck & Co.

Ban said to lack support

Sen. John B. Breaux of
Louisiana , a Democratic member of the House-Senate conference committee, said he does not think there is support for barring managers from the mail-order business. He said the issue has yet to be addressed by conference committee members.

Pharmacy benefit managers have a ready answer to their opponents' claims in a study by Congress' investigative arm of their performance in administering drug coverage for federal employees.

The General Accounting Office said benefit managers saved money for the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program by "obtaining drug price discounts from retail pharmacies and dispensing drugs at lower costs through their mail-order pharmacies."

Chain drugstores and independent pharmacists disputed the GAO's findings.

Phil Blando, a spokesman for the Pharmaceutical Care Management Association, the pharmacy benefit managers' trade association, said stores "are losing business to the mail-order [sector] because people want cheaper alternatives."

The battle between retail pharmacies and benefit managers has raged for years.

Two lawsuits

This month, two lawsuits filed in
Alabama by independent pharmacies alleged "anti-competitive practices" against small pharmacies.

The suit names Medco, Caremark Rx Inc., Express Scripts Inc. and AdvancePCS Inc. as defendants.

Medco is the largest pharmacy benefit manager in the
United States , followed by AdvancePCS, Express Scripts and Caremark RX Inc.

Caremark plans to acquire Advance PCS in a $5 billion-plus deal that would make it the No. 2 pharmacy benefit manager, with annual revenues of $23 billion. 

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