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Medicare reform
carries huge fiscal toll House
and Senate conferees consider making high-income elders pay more.
The Christian Science Monitor House
and Senate negotiators, working long to come up with a compromise bill to
overhaul Medicare and add a prescription-drug benefit, face a vexing
issue: keeping the tab down in a time of huge budget deficits. Congressional
budget planners had designated $400 billion over the next 10 years for
prescription-drug benefits. But then last summer, the Congressional Budget
Office reckoned the version passed by the Senate would actually cost $432
billion, and the House version $425 billion. The excess cost is
particularly a problem in the Senate, which has somewhat tougher budget
rules. At
the same time, the cumulative federal deficit could reach $5.1 trillion
over the next 10 years, estimates to the Center on Budget and Policy
Priorities. Congressional
negotiators had set an ambitious goal of reconciling these factors by this
Friday. But significant differences remain between the prescription-drug
plans passed by House and Senate versions. Many
analysts maintain the 17-member conference committee will take longer - or
not succeed at all in forwarding reconciled legislation to both houses. "The
conference will try to wrap up everything by the end of the month,"
says Joseph Santos, an expert at the American Enterprise Institute in Altogether,
Americans - more than 280 million of them - consume about 3 billion
prescriptions a year. Drug benefits would be especially useful to the 40
million elderly and disabled covered by Medicare. On average, seniors
spend about $2,300 a year on legal drugs. Given
the widespread demand for improved benefits, congressional conferees have
been considering a number of measures to make the plan fiscally sound. One
suggestion, supported by both Democrats and some Republicans, would
require high-income elders to pay bigger premiums than other
beneficiaries. Those making above, say, $75,000 or $100,000 would pay
more, with premiums rising gradually with income. Some
liberals say such a change risks turning Medicare from a universal social
insurance program for the elderly into a welfare program. The
powerful AARP, with millions of retirees as members, "strongly
opposes" relating benefits to income, notes an official. Yet
others see no problem as long as Medicare benefits are universal. In fact,
a higher premium for the well-to-do would be a means of extracting back
some of the "monstrous" tax cuts urged by President Bush that
benefit especially high-income taxpayers, says Victor Fuchs, a veteran
expert on healthcare economics at Stanford University. Still,
revenues from the extra premiums would not be huge. "It's
not a silver bullet," says Robert Reischauer, president of the Urban
Institute, a Higher-income
people already pay more into Medicare than those with lower incomes.
Unlike Social Security taxes, the Medicare payroll tax has no ceiling on
the amount of earnings subject to it. Another
way to trim costs, reportedly under discussion by the conferees, would
impose a copayment on home healthcare. Currently, patients do not have to
pay anything for this Medicare benefit. The goal is to encourage home care
rather than more costly care in nursing homes and hospitals. Under the
proposal, a senior receiving home care would pay $40 to $45 for each
60-day period. Medicare typically pays $2,700 to $3,000 for that care. Some
members of both parties oppose the copayment proposal as a burden for the
poor. Beyond
debate on these ideas, the conferees have other hot-button splits to
resolve. One is the size of the basic benefits. Both the House and Senate
plans would require participating seniors to pay about $35 in monthly
premiums and an annual deductible of $250 to $275 before getting a
Medicare subsidy. The
Senate plan would cover half of an individual's annual drug expenditures
between $276 and $4,500. Then that person would pay the next $1,300 in
prescription drug costs. If the total drug bill soared above $5,813 into
the "catastrophic" range, the individual pays 10 percent. The
House plan, on the other hand, would offer seniors a more generous 80
percent subsidy on drug expenses between $251 and $2,000. Then there would
be no coverage for the next $2,900 of medications. After $4,900 of bills,
catastrophic coverage at 100 percent begins. Another
point of contention is a House provision that would have government-run
Medicare compete against private health plans to provide services in
geographic areas. Democrats contend that this would turn Medicare into a
voucher-type program. In addition, Republicans differ among themselves on
this issue. Analysts
at the Heritage Foundation, a Heritage
analysts also maintain that at least one-third of seniors who receive drug
coverage through their former employer will lose that benefit and get a
lesser Medicare benefit.
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