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States cite long-term care as top health issue for 2002

January 22, 2002


A recent survey shows that more than half of states rank long-term care as a priority for the 2002 legislative sessions. Twenty-seven states named nursing home reimbursement rates as a priority, and 26 states identified nursing home reimbursement rates. Health care worker shortages will be a high item for 40 states. The National Conference of State legislatures conducted the survey.

International disability and Rehabilitation expert named as AoA deputy Margaret J. Giannini, M.D., has been named as Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary for Aging in the Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration on Aging (AoA). “ her distinguished background as a pediatrician an a gerontologist, as well as an internationally renowned expert on disability and rehabilitation, will help us to better serve older Americans and their caregivers now and in the future, “ said HHS Secretary Tommy G. Thompson in a press release.


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