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Global Action on Aging at Work 

International Day of Older Persons 

October 4, 2007


Alischa Kugel, GAA Program Coordinator, with GAA's friends Renee Goldstein, Albert Kirk and Romero Cherry.

From left to right: Help Age International from Kenya, Edilia Camargo, Red Continental Personas Mayores representative, Susanne Paul, GAA President, HAI from Bangladesh, Edward Chia, GAA Research Associate, Richard Blewitt, Chief Executive of HAI, Bridget Sleap, HAI, Clara Dufresne, GAA Research Associate. 

International Day of Older Persons (IDOP) 2007 at the United Nations.

Helen Hamlin , Alexandre Kalache, Erasmo Lara-Peña, Julia Alvarez, Alexandre Sidorenko.

GAA luncheon with retirees on the International Day of Older Persons

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