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thirds of Latin American elderly has no pension
Yaoqi, Hou, and Yang, Wang Xin
Hua News Agency, June 21, 2003 Santiago –
In Latin America and Caribbean areas, only one in three people of 60 years
and older is covered by pension, according to the Conference on Aging
Issues in Latin America and Caribbean Areas held in Santiago, Chile on
June 18-20. Most of the elderly without pensions are women. The region has
over 45 million older people, 44 percent of whom are living below the
poverty line. (The text is in Chinese.) To read the following Chinese article, please install the Internet Explorer Chinese language pack or NJ star communicator. 拉美地區三分之二的老人沒有退休金
記者王洋,侯耀其, 新華社
2003年6月21日 聖地亞哥
拉丁美洲和加勒比地區60以上的老人中,三個人裡只有一人能領取固定退休金或養老保險,其中大部分為老年婦女。這是20日在智利首都聖地亞哥閉幕的“拉美和加勒比老齡化問題地區會議”上透露出的數字。( 來自拉美和加勒比地區的150名政府和民間代表在會議結束時發表的《聖地亞哥宣言》中指出,多數拉美和加勒比國家的政府對於制訂并推動保護老年人的法規缺乏關心,這是導致本地區越來越多的老人受到歧視、虐待和遺棄的重要原因。 Copyright
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