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Taiwan: Parties agree to loose the eligibility for elderly stipend
Yajing Xu Central
News Agency, June 2, 2003 Taipei - Taiwan legislature is considering a bill to loose the eligibility for welfare stipends for the elderly, which all parties reached agreement on. The Democratic Progress Party has yet to sign on the bill because it doesn’t agree the source of the budget. Representatives of Kuo Ming Tang (National Party) said that the legislature would vote on the bill this Friday if DPP still refuse to sign. (The text is in Chinese.) To read the following Chinese article, please install the Internet Explorer Chinese language pack or NJ star communicator.
許雅靜, 中央社
2003年6月2日 台北 - 立法院朝野黨團今天協商敬老津貼修正草案,達成今年七月起放寬勞工及軍公教領有養老保險給付者可領敬老津貼的共識,但由於在野黨不同意財源由國民年金開辦經費支應,民進黨團尚未簽字。國民黨團協商代表侯彩鳳表示,若民進黨團不簽字,周五將訴諸表決,發放日也將追溯至今年初。(chnewsnet.com) 立法院這會期將於六月六日休會,朝野黨團下午協商備受爭議的「敬老福利生活津貼暫行條例」部份條文修正草案,同意放寬領取條件,刪除「領取公教人員保險養老給付、軍人保險退伍給付、勞工保險老年給付之總額,自年滿六十五遂當月起按月折抵新台幣三千元,尚未折抵完竣」的規定。(chinesenewsnet.com)
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