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Concerns over Anti-Psychotics in Elderly

United Press International

July 29, 2007

Studies raise questions about using anti-psychotic drugs in reducing disruptive behavior among elderly with dementia, a U.S. newsletter says.

Concern about this issue is not new; a federal law passed in 1987 provides that residents in facilities receiving government support should not receive anti-psychotics for problems that are simply inconvenient for caregivers -- such as wandering, insomnia, or uncooperativeness -- but only for agitated, aggressive, or psychotic behavior that is distressing to the patients or dangerous to others, according to the August issue of the Harvard Mental Health Letter.

But the guidelines have not prevented continued heavy use in institutions for the elderly, there is some evidence that the drugs can help.

A review of 16 studies found that some anti-psychotics might reduce agitation, aggression and psychosis, although there was little evidence about long-term use, the newsletter says.

The drugs may cause tremors, drowsiness and weight gain, and they may raise the risk for high cholesterol, diabetes and heart arrhythmias, the newsletter says.

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