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By: Jane E. Brody
NY Times, July 2, 2002


Three decades after the National High Blood Pressure Education Program started saying that controlling high blood pressure saves lives, rates of hypertension are rising.

In addition, the proportion of patients being treated — or treated well enough to bring their blood pressure readings under control — is falling, creating waves of alarm among cardiovascular specialists.

As a result, stroke rates are going up and the decline in heart attacks has leveled off; both strokes and heart attacks are directly linked to uncontrolled hypertension.

In trying to account for these changes, experts point to a number of factors. One is the sharp increase in the percentage of Americans who are overweight or obese, creating for themselves the leading risk factor for hypertension.

Another is a basic quality of the condition: it is a silent disease, and a vast majority of people with it feel fine, even as it causes life-threatening or fatal damage. About 30 percent of people with hypertension don't know they have it.

A third factor is the unwillingness or inability of most people with high blood pressure to change their diets and try exercise and relaxation techniques that can bring their readings down to normal.

Fourth is the reluctance of many patients to take medications and the failure of many doctors to keep up with drug developments that would allow them to design individual treatments and prescribe the remedies likely to produce the most benefit with the fewest side effects.

Further complicating the picture are the insurance-dictated constraints on doctors. Many of them don't take the time to educate patients about the importance of continually monitoring their pressure readings.

Last but hardly least, the drug companies with the greatest financial interest in getting all people with hypertension into treatment may have had a detrimental effect on the acceptance of drug therapy.

At the expense of older, less expensive drugs, pharmaceutical companies have heavily promoted newer and more expensive medications that may not always be the best for a particular patient. These may also be too costly for many older patients, who, since Medicare does not pay for drugs, have been known to take half the prescribed dosages to stay within their budget.

Tailoring Treatment

There are six classes of medications and scores of different drugs and drug combinations that are tailored to control high blood pressure.

Which drug or drug combination is right is determined by factors like sex, age, systolic blood pressure (the higher number, representing the pressure on arteries when the heart beats), smoking habits, total cholesterol, level of protective H.D.L. cholesterol, and whether the patient has diabetes or an enlarged left ventricle, the heart's main pumping chamber.

The simplest remedy that achieves the desired goal is the best choice. For example, say most experts, among them Dr. Steven A. Dosh of Escanaba, Mich., patients who have no known underlying disease are best treated initially with diuretics, which bring blood pressure down by reducing the volume of fluid the heart has to pump to outlying tissues. Diuretics in low doses are well tolerated, safe, effective and cheap and need be taken only once a day.

But, as Dr. Dosh wrote recently in The Journal of Family Practice, for those who have already had a heart attack or are otherwise known to have coronary artery disease, beta-blockers, which slow the heart and reduce the force of its contractions, may be the initial drug of choice. When combined with a diuretic, beta-blockers were proved to be especially good at preventing strokes, though less effective than expected in preventing heart attacks, according to Dr. Michael Alderman, a hypertension specialist at Albert Einstein Medical Center in the Bronx.

But one newer, more expensive drug may be better for some patients. For example, for patients with diabetes or systolic hypertension after a heart attack, the best remedy may be ACE, or angiotensin-converting enzyme, inhibitors. They relax blood vessels by reducing production of angiotensin I, which is converted into angiotensin II, a hormone that constricts arteries.

If an ACE inhibitor's side effects — a cough and a rash — are troublesome, a patient could try an A.R.B, or angiotensin receptor blocker, which prevents the action of angiotensin II. Thus far, the A.R.B.'s appear to be more effective than beta-blockers in preventing strokes, though the drugs are equally effective in reducing blood pressure, Dr. Alderman said.

The other classes are vasodilators, which relax blood vessels, and calcium channel blockers, which also relax blood vessels but in a number of studies have been linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, especially congestive heart failure. However, studies have also indicated that long-acting calcium channel blockers may be more effective at preventing strokes than the ACE inhibitors, Dr. Alderman said.

So far, neither the ACE inhibitors nor the calcium channel blockers have been shown to be better than diuretics in preventing heart attacks, he added.

What Should a Patient Do?

First, don't do what one woman in her 50's did. Having experienced swollen ankles and a rapid heart beat as a side effect of a calcium channel blocker prescribed for hypertension, she stopped taking the drug and never returned to the doctor.

All drugs have side effects, a fact especially troublesome for blood pressure treatment, since the disorder itself usually produces no symptoms. Diuretics in high doses force patients to the bathroom many extra times a day and several times a night.

Many diuretics also deplete the body of potassium and magnesium and may raise blood levels of cholesterol and glucose. Beta-blockers in full dose can make people groggy, slow the heart rate and cause bronchial spasms.

Vasodilators can cause headaches, fluid retention and rapid heart rate. ACE inhibitors commonly cause an annoying dry cough, whereas the A.R.B.'s, which are generally better tolerated, may cause high blood levels of potassium. And nearly all the antihypertensive medications can inhibit sexual function, particularly in men.

Dr. Alderman suggested that in many patients, the ideal treatment is a combination of low doses of two or more drugs. This has the advantage of limiting the likelihood of disturbing side effects while increasing the drugs' effectiveness.

Patients should be closely monitored in the first months of treatment and every six months afterward; if the treatment is or becomes ineffective, it must be changed, by increasing the dose or changing drugs. Home blood pressure monitoring can alert patients to the need to see a doctor.

And for any drug treatment to work optimally, otherwise healthy patients should also adopt protective habits, including eating diets rich in fruits, vegetables and low-fat dairy products and low in fat and salt and other sources of sodium.

Aerobic exercise for at least 45 minutes a day three times a week is highly recommended. And, if the patient is overweight, a loss of 10 percent of total body weight can be very beneficial. Relaxation exercises like meditation may also help

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