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Growing Old, 
With the Bones in One Piece

By: Jane E. Brody
New York Times, November 13, 2001

Bones, once taken for granted, have become a major health issue now that so many Americans are living well into their 70's, 80's and beyond. For at least half of women and one in eight men, bones are not bearing up as well as they should to sustain an active, independent old age free of debilitating fractures.

As a result, osteoporosis — bones seriously weakened by mineral loss — has become a household word, as familiar to most people as cholesterol. And the pharmaceutical industry, supplement makers and now food producers have responded with products intended to keep Americans from breaking apart before their time on earth is up.

But, judging from the questions I get almost daily, many people are thoroughly confused about what may be good and, even more important, what is bad for their skeletons. Unfortunately, most of the queries come from people already on the cusp of osteoporotic disaster, rather than from young people, who have the best hope of preventing the disorder.


Trouble Starts Early

The best predictor of bone strength in midlife and beyond is how well the skeleton was constructed in childhood and adolescence. Maximum bone development ends in one's 20's, after which bone loss gradually begins to exceed bone formation. Bone loss accelerates rapidly in women after menopause.

But the habits of young Americans portend a future epidemic of osteoporosis that far exceeds today's problem, which already costs billions of dollars a year. Far too many children have substituted soda, juices and other soft drinks for the bone-building calcium and vitamin D in milk, and they rarely make up the deficit by consuming calcium- rich vegetables or taking calcium supplements. To make matters worse, millions of teenagers are smoking cigarettes, another cause of bone loss.

Currently, about $10 billion is spent each year to treat osteoporotic fractures. By the year 2020, experts predict the cost will exceed $60 billion.

But forget cost for a moment. Let's talk about quality of life, not to mention life itself. Ten million Americans already have osteoporosis and another 18 million are at high risk for developing it. Each year, this disease leads to 1.5 million broken bones, including more than 700,000 vertebral fractures, 300,000 hip fractures, 200,000 wrist fractures and 300,000 fractures of other bones.

Vertebral fractures result in lost height, a bent-over posture and often, chronic and debilitating pain. Of those who break their hips, often in minor falls, half will never walk independently again and a quarter will die of complications within a year.

Bones are constantly being broken down and rebuilt. Preventing osteoporosis requires that the rebuilding keeps up with or exceeds the breakdown. Rebuilding is undermined by smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, insufficient dietary calcium, a shortage of vitamin D, lack of weight-bearing or strength-building exercise and, in women, a lack of estrogen. This last factor accounts for the rapid loss of bone that occurs in women during the first five years after menstruation ceases, but it can also affect young women who diet too strenuously or exercise too vigorously and lose their periods as a result.

According to national nutrition surveys, 90 percent of adult women, 75 percent of men and teenagers and 70 percent of younger children do not consume enough calcium to prevent osteoporosis. The main dietary sources of this vital mineral are milk and other dairy products. Several dark-green leafy vegetables, especially collard greens, are also rich sources, but they are not among the nation's favorites. Other good sources include sardines and canned salmon (eaten with the bones). Many juices and cereals are now available with added calcium.

Young people from 9 through 18 should consume 1,300 milligrams of calcium a day, adults 19 to 50 need at least 1,000 milligrams and those over 50 at least 1,200 milligrams (the amount in a quart of low-fat milk), if not from foods then from supplements, like calcium carbonate or calcium citrate. For postmenopausal women not taking estrogen, 1,500 milligrams are recommended.

If calcium intake is adequate, moderate amounts of caffeine and carbonated drinks seem to have no adverse effect on the body's calcium stores.

For calcium to be properly used by the body, adequate vitamin D is needed; this is mainly obtained from fortified milk, and it is made in the skin in sunlight. Sun exposure on the face and hands (without sunscreen) for 10 minutes a day is needed to foster adequate production of vitamin D, but that kind of exposure is uncommon in winter and among the elderly in every season. Recent studies suggest that people over 65 should consume 800 International Units of vitamin D daily, and that dosage would require taking a supplement.

Adequate protein — 63 grams a day for men and 50 grams for women (more if from vegetable sources like soy) — as well as vitamins C and K are also important to bone health. Keep in mind, too, that without weight-bearing or strength-building exercise, relatively little of the calcium consumed gets used by bones. That inactivity explains the loss of bone mineral among astronauts while they are weightless in space. Exercise also improves balance, flexibility and muscle strength, all of which can help to prevent falls.

If you already have osteoporosis, you may need help in formulating an appropriate exercise program. Ask your doctor for a referral to a physical therapist, who can design an exercise program to increase bone density and reduce stress on fragile bones.

For those seeking written guidance, Margie Bissinger, a physical therapist, has produced the book "Osteoporosis: An Exercise Guide," available for $9.95.


Drugs That Help

The osteoporosis crisis has spawned a number of medicines designed to tip the balance in favor of bone building. The leading one, for women, is estrogen replacement after menopause, which may have to be maintained indefinitely to prevent rapid bone loss. Even physically frail older women can achieve stronger bones by taking hormone replacement, according to a recent study of 67 women 75 and older, although there is no evidence yet that this regimen prevents fractures in older women.

Since many women cannot or will not take estrogen, other effective products have been developed. One is the estrogen mimic raloxifene (marketed as Evista), which lacks estrogen's adverse effects on the breast and uterus and may help prevent breast cancer. Studies thus far have shown that raloxifene helps to prevent vertebral fractures.

Two drugs called biphosphonates — alendronate (Fosamax) and risedronate (Ac tonel) — are often prescribed for people who already show signs of serious bone loss. They represent another alternative for women who do not take estrogen replacement. Fosamax has been shown to reduce the risk of fractures of the hip, spine and wrists by as much as 50 percent and Actonel, a newer drug, also reduced the incidence of new fractures in a two-year study of women with osteoporosis.

These two drugs require adherence to a strict regimen to avoid damage to the esophagus and to assure absorption. They must be taken first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and with a large glass of water, after which you must stand or sit upright and not eat or drink anything else for at least 30 minutes.

A third option is salmon calcitonin, a hormone that inhibits bone resorption. But it is less effective than the other drugs. It is available as a nasal spray and approved for the treatment of osteoporosis, especially painful vertebral fractures. A number of other products, including parathyroid hormone, are now being studied. So stay tuned.