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ACTION ALERT! Stop NYC & NYS from participating in drug company blackmail


New York Network for Action on Medicare and Social Security

June 9, 2003


Dear Friends and Supporters,

As you may know, last fall the New York Network for Action on Medicare and Social Security (which we co-chair), through it's "New York Campaign for Access to Affordable Drugs" project, launched a campaign to expose the nefarious practices of the brand name drug industry in both stopping real prescription drug coverage in Medicare, and stopping the federal and state government from lowering drug prices.  This campaign, dubbed "Big Pharma = Bad Karma" has held several successful street and public actions.  The next one is coming up this Monday morning.  Our apologies for the short notice, but everything is falling into place at the very last minute.

Details follow below (see also attached flyer.)


Just Say “NO!” to Drug Company Blackmail!

What: Silent protest and/or present testimony

When:  Monday June 9, 10 a.m.

Where:  Public Hearing of the Industrial Development Agency of the New York City Economic Development Corporation, 110 William Street, 6th fl. (bet. Fulton and John Streets in lower Manhattan) -- call 212-312-3543 if you want to testify

Why:  BIG PHARMA is punishing states that negotiate lower drug prices by moving jobs to other states (...and cooking up sweetheart deals in the process.)

The BIG Question?
Why are New York City and State giving tax breaks and grants to Pfizer, the world’s largest drug company, with profits of $9.1 BILLION in 2002, when both New York City and New York State are going broke, and New Yorkers are paying the highest drug prices in the world?

The BIG problem = BIG Pharma

-- Pfizer and the other members of BIG Pharma are protecting their profiteering and outrageous prices by fighting states’ efforts to lower drug costs and guarantee fair drug prices.

-- BIG Pharma lost that fight in Michigan, and Pfizer is now moving marketing and administrative jobs out to other states, including a promise to bring some to New York provided we give them a $46 million tax break and the promise of grants of at least $1.4 million!

-- High drug prices are a major reason why health care costs are so high for consumers, and for city and state governments, straining their budgets in a time of economic downturn.


For further information and to get involved, contact: (212) 273-5262, (212) 316-9393, or (212) 925-1829.

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