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Elderly People Are at Risk to Get HIV Infection from Sexual Transmission: an Epidemiological Survey in the South of Brazil


International Aids Society


AIDS 2006 - XVI International AIDS Conference



Elderly people are at risk to get HIV infection from sexual transmission: an epidemiological survey in the south of Brazil

Background: HIV infection affects vulnerable populations, but there is scarce information about old people behavior and its vulnerability in Brazil. 

Methods: A survey with a specific qualified questionnaire (QHIV3I) composed by 14 questions and organized according to HIV concept, transmission, prevention, vulnerability, treatment, and religious thoughts was anonymous applied to acquaintance groups at Vale do Sinos region (about 500,000 inhabitants), in Porto Alegre metropolitan area, south of Brazil. 

Results: Overall, 253 individuals (208 females, 82%), with a mean of 69 years of age (60-87) agreed to participate the survey. 112 individuals (44%) had 4 to 7 years of literacy, and 54% had a monthly familiar earning between 1 to 3 minimum wage. The predominant religion was catholic (71.5%), and 53 (21%) individuals judged the infection as a divine punishment. Regarding to HIV concept and transmission, 135 (53%) did not know that there was an asymptomatic period of infection, and 105 (41.5%) believed that AIDS could be transmitted by mosquitoes respectively. 143 (56.5%) did not have a regular partner, and 217 (86%) individuals did not utilized condoms when having sex. Only 68 (27%) have not heard about female condoms, and 100 individuals (39.5%) considered a disease only from homosexuals males, prostitutes, and intravenous drug users. The majority (87%) had some idea about HIV/AIDS drug treatment. 

Conclusions: This survey applied to acquaintance groups shows the lack of information about HIV/AIDS, with only 14% of individuals wearing condoms. These findings are worrisome and show the vulnerability of elderly people from this particular area in Brazil. Therefore, strategies for primary prevention in order to increase quality of life must be taken to prevent further spread of the HIV epidemic in this population.

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