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  Ageing Situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo

By: MIFED- Congo
May 6, 2002



The Democratic Republic of Congo (D.R.C.) is a 60 millions inhabitants country, with a surface of 2,345,000 km˛. It is not useful to be demonstrated , the Democratic Republic of Congo lives a social political and economical situation among the most difficult in the world. Absence of infrastructures, rising inflation that contrasts with the stagnation of wages, insignificant budget allocated to the social sector, health and education…there, are pains that characterize the environment of the Democratic Republic of Congo. For example, the Congolese of the RDC, lives with an average of less than one dollars per day.

Besides the catastrophic 32 years of the dictatorial reign of the ancient regime, there is also the war taking place in our country since nearly six years. Among categories of the vulnerable population that paid for the heavy tribute of this war, there are next to women and children, the aged people. Indeed, most our old men live in misery : lack of indemnities of retirement, lack of appropriate social politics, abandoned by members of the family because of so called sorcery witch actually, rather hide a confession of impotence to provide to the person's needs actually. And on this point, the situation is more desperate for those who don't have any children.

Thus, some of them, can be seen along the avenues of Kinshasa, begging their daily bread, that the are not sure to get, as much people in the street see evil spell through their silhouettes. And to escape from this, others, by dignity prefer to rather count the remainder of their days within old people's home.

Problems of the ageing in Democratic Republic of Congo, can be summarized in the following points: ageing and discrimination of the society, ageing and productivity, ageing and health care, ageing and HIV/AIDS, ageing and human rights



The Congolese society laminated by the crisis in every sectors, sees more and more selfishness reappearance. Of this fact, old people are victims of discrimination especially from young. It is over, the time where the old man was someone precious and of which disappearance was a drama for the society. As said an african author :  « an old man death, is like a library burning… »

Nowadays, in a country where the life expectancy doesn't pass 45 years, to have a head full of white hairs, expose to be accused of sorcery. Therefore, all the issues related to the socioeconomic crisis, such as: unemployment, lack of money, celibacy, illnesses, death…that would a family could be crossing, is put first on the amount of the old man or woman. And sometimes, people attend impotent, to the killing of people of the third age, because they are considered as being to the origin of misfortunes that hit the family. This bad consideration towards old people is exacerbated by a bad interpretation of certain religious teachings that preach the spiritual fight.



The retirement in Democratic Republic of Congo intervenes between 55 and 60 years. No one wants about it! Indeed, retired persons pass immediately, from a state of production to a state of dependence and idleness.

Causes :

There are nearly no indemnities of retirement ; The average wages are around 10 US$ dollars per month. So people cannot save money; to prepare their retirement ; the distrust of youth (conflict of generations) ; young people see in the older persons only sorcery and evil spell… absence of a governmental politics in social security matter.

These states of poverty and inactivity make that on 10 retired persons, 7 of them die of nervous depression.


Medical care is a crucial problem for the old people. Homes of old persons being without resources, some of their boarders die under the impotent look of organizations that stand them.

For guidance, the Government of the DRC allocate only 2% of its budget to this important sector of the social life. Then, it is obvious to understand that nothing is planned to soothe old people life.



Although the HIV/AIDS is everybody's matter, old persons suffering from HIV/AIDS are very scarce. Because the way of transmission which is more sexual (83%), are very concerned people who are sexually active (age group from 15 to 45 years).
But, in spite of the above mentionned fact, sometimes aged people undergo the weight of the illness directly. Because, in addition to losing a son or a daughter, they have to take care of the deceased's children.



From what precedes, we can say the aged people live in the infra-human conditions. In the our country old age looks like a jail of which the only way to come out and be free is the death.


The situation below haven't changed since about ten years.

Quantity : 5 managed by the Government, about ten belonging to Catholics.

Average Population per home : 25 persons

Activities : There's nearly no activity in the Old people homes. There no TV, no radio, no game, no newspaper… So old men and women spend their time in the inactivity. They don't have anything to distract themselves. Some of them are living in that situation since 15 years. They don't dare to go out, fearing to be confounded with a madman or simply a wizard. Otherwise, some boarders, especially women try to work by cultivating vegetables, for their own consumption.



In spite of all our good will and our compassion, seeing the precariousness in which live the old people in all visited places, our action is limited very for lack of funding. Indeed, MIFED-Congo deals with two main action for old persons: Because of lack of funds, we are limited to a monthly visit of old man homes. And we avail the opportunity to talk with the old persons and show them that the are still persons who care of them and know how important they are to the society. Sometimes, we bring food and clothes specially to women. In addition to these actions, MIFED-Congo is working hardly to reconcile young persons and old one. Our target is schoolboys and schoolgirls aged between 13 and 18 years. The main goal of this action is to stop the discrimination old people are victims of. And, to teach young persons that sitting next to an old person they will about wisdom and to prepare their own ageing.



In relation to the Government : 

Increase of the budget allocated to the social sector, especially, the support of paupers, to encourage peace-building ; to conceive a social policy in public enterprises public as well as in the private, to protects the worker until his retirement, to setting up a real social security ; to fix of a decent minimum salary, (basis of count of the indemnities of career end.)

In relation to the young generation :

To fight against the discrimination of which the aged people are victims on behalf of young people. Using mass-media by the means of advertising on TV and radio, to sensitize young people to take care of old persons, to improve the aged people image to the eye of the youth..

In relation to the Old Persons Homes :

To liven these homes by providing them with something entertaining : television, radio, games of society… To make the homes of old men productive : by providing them with tools, for them to be useful to the society : (hoes, rakes…) Direct contribution  : dresses and food, for instance.

MIFED-Congo is an organization whose dynamism is not to demonstrate in Kinshasa. But like all NGOs of the Democratic Republic of Congo, we don't have funds enough to undertake all that we plan to do. Therefore, to permit us to achieve our objectives, all contribution will be substantial.


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