Higher Contributions Part of a Trend
by Eric Yoder, The Washington Post
March 6, 2012
The federal government has plenty of company among state governments in
moving to increase employee contributions toward its retirement
program, at least in a limited way, according to a Government
Accountability Office report.
Under a recently signed law, those who are hired into the federal
government after this year with less than five years of prior federal
service will have to pay 2.3 percent more of salary for their Federal
Employees Retirement System benefit than the 0.8 percent of salary that
current employees pay. Current employees won’t be affected.
GAO found that half of states similarly have ordered increases in
employee contributions into their retirement programs since 2008,
although some increases affect only those hired after certain dates and
some hikes also affecting current employees are only temporary. Those
increases were largely driven by poor investment returns in recent
years and expansion of benefits in prior years, and budgetary pressures
“will continue to challenge their ability to provide adequate
contributions to help sustain their pension funds,” it said.
The increase in the contributions by future federal employees was part
of a bill extending unemployment benefits and keeping the Social
Security payroll tax at a lower level through the rest of this year.
The original proposal further would have affected current employees but
several Washington-area lawmakers succeeded in protecting them, at
least for now; federal employee organizations have warned that the
threat to current employees is not over.
GAO said there are about 5 million state employees and some 14 million
local employees — compared with about 2.1 million federal employees —
and that about four-fifths of those are covered by defined benefit
pension plans. In such plans, similar to the retirement programs that
cover nearly all federal workers, annuities are paid based on years of
service and salary. In contrast, it said that only 18 percent of
private-sector workers are covered by such plans.
FERS-covered federal employees pay into Social Security at the same
rate as other workers and receive the same Social Security benefit, in
addition to their federal annuity. Typically, the combination of the
Social Security and FERS contributions amount to 7 percent of salary
from the employee, although in 2011 and 2012 it comes to 5 percent due
to the temporary reduction in the Social Security share.
Federal employees under the older Civil Service Retirement System do
not pay into Social Security but instead pay 7 percent into the federal
retirement fund, which provides their entire benefit.
GAO said that among state and local plans that don’t include Social
Security, the median employee contribution — the point at which half
are above and half are below — was 8 percent in 2009. Of plans that do
include Social Security, the median employee contribution to the state
pension was 5 percent.
Of the 25 states that have increased employee contributions, five
applied that increase only to future employees as the federal
government has done, while the remainder applied the increase to future
employees as well as some current employees. Several states that had
not required employees to contribute at all began requiring at least
some new employees to pay in.
States typically have more leeway to raise employee contributions than
to change benefits, GAO said.
It added that many states have made benefits changes as well, including
decreasing the payout formula, raising the age and/or service
requirements for benefits and reducing or eliminating inflation
adjustments. In most cases those changes applied only to future
“From the employee perspective, these changes can mean that those in
the new tier or plan will realize lower future benefits than their
coworkers who continue to participate in the old plan. This could
affect employee recruitment and retention over the long term, but some
pension officials we spoke with expected any short-term impacts to be
minimal,” GAO reported.
Various similar proposals regarding federal employee benefits are
pending in Congress.