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Powerless, Retirees Fear Losing Benefits

By Louis Aguilar, The Detroit News

July 17, 2007

Like many retirees, Ray Bailey realizes they still have the Cadillac of retiree health care packages, but they point out that they've earned it. "We should never forget that we fought for everything we got," says the 1993 GM retiree, who pays about $752 a year for a family.

Retirees are typically fiercely proud of their auto careers and staunch defenders of the United Auto Workers union. But they are growing increasingly concerned about the fate of their health care coverage and pensions during upcoming contract talks.

They will have no vote on a contract that could dramatically overhaul their benefits, known as automakers' legacy costs. And many current workers say they expect to approve a deal in which everyone, including retirees, will have to make sacrifices.

"Sweeping changes need to be made especially concerning our legacy costs," said Jonathon Tuttle, a worker at Chrysler's Warren Truck plant. "Let's face it, with rising oil prices, our waning political clout in Washington and spiraling health care, we have an almost perfect storm."

Times haven't always been so tough. Ray Bailey got a voucher for a new Buick LeSabre when the former electrician retired from GM's Willow Run Transmission plan in 1993. "It was a good job, the pay was great and they treated you decent," Bailey said of his 42-year career at GM.

For years, he didn't pay anything for his health care. Now, like most GM retirees, he pays up to $752 annually for family health care, including deductibles, co-payments and premiums.

Bailey's costs went up after the UAW reached unprecedented agreements with GM, and Ford Motor Co. in 2005 that raised retirees' out-of-pocket costs even as active workers agreed to forego raises to help pay for retiree care. The deals slashed $1 billion from GM's retiree health bill and more than $850 million from Ford's.

Many retirees know they still have the Cadillac of health care deals. "But we should never forget that we fought for everything," Bailey said. "We took benefits instead of wages a lot of times, so our feeling is we've already paid for our benefits. Why should they be able to take it away?"

Many retirees wonder how much fight today's UAW workers have in them and wonder if they remember how much earlier generations sacrificed -- long strikes, layoffs -- to win generous pay and benefit packages.

Younger workers say they haven't forgotten, but they know how tough the situation is now. Many believe the talks will produce a landmark deal that will shift retiree health care liabilities to a trust known as a VEBA -- or Voluntary Employee Beneficiary Association -- that would be funded by the automakers and managed by the union. This month, the UAW agreed to such a deal with bankrupt auto supplier Dana Corp.

"In my view, it's a great picture of labor and management working together in a highly effective way," said David Cole of the Center for Automotive Research in Ann Arbor . "This is a very, very dangerous period right now. Survival is not guaranteed. Both sides understand this and most of the rank and file is stepping up. Do I think it means the UAW will turn its back on retirees? No. Being flexible is not the same as giving up the union's ideals."

Former Ford Rouge worker Rod Lare doesn't trust the VEBA concept. Lare took a buyout last year but gets to vote on the contract because he didn't accept a cash payment and has less than 30 years seniority. He fears a VEBA fund could run dry. "If that happens, co-pays and premiums from workers skyrocket." Lare said.

William Reese is trying to be realistic. He landed a Chrysler factory job in 1942, when he was 19. Most of society was deeply segregated, but the UAW fought for Reese's rights in the plant. Later, jobs at the Warren Truck plant provided a good life for his son, Vernon Morrow, and his granddaughter, DeAnita Morrow.

Reese and Vernon Morrow are both retired. DeAnita Morrow has 19 years in at the truck plant. She says she won't approve a contract that gives "too much away" but admits the contract will include givebacks. "We have to protect our families," she said.

Reese, a survivor of triple-bypass heart surgery, sees the tough reality of the union's situation.

"I know how much the UAW fought for us," said Reese, now in his 80s. "But now I think we are going to take a hit." 

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