October 13, 2004 In mid-September, the Department of Labor and Social Protection released the "Regulation to Increase the Retiree Pension." According to the regulation, those who retired before December 2003 will receive an increased pension. Each of them will obtain RMB55 more each month. From September 27, 2004, the Department of Labor will give an additional pension for the month of July and August to the retirees.
上海開始增加養老金 絕大多數退休人員表示滿意 記者 李蕾 解放日報﹐2004年10月13日 9月中旬﹐上海市勞動和社會保障局出臺《2004增加本市城鎮退休人員養老金的辦法》。《辦法》規定﹐從今年7月1日起﹐對上海市2003年12月底以前已按城鎮社會保險相關規定辦理退休手續的人員增加養老金﹐每人每月按統一標准55元進行增加。勞動保障部門從9月27日起﹐將增加的養老金(含7﹑8月份的補發額)發放給退休人員。