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MP Revolt Hope for Pensions

By Charlotte Beugge, The Daily Mail

April 7, 2004

The government faces a revolt by its own MPs over its refusal to help more than 60,000 people left without proper pensions when their employers went under. 

The current Pensions Bill includes plans to introduce a Pension Protection Fund, to protect against pensions being lost in the future if companies go under. 
But the Bill, due to reach its report stage when Parliament return after Easter, doesn't include compensation for anyone already affected. 

And unless a clause is added at the last minute to include the current victims, a backbench Labour MP is spearheading a rebellion that could force the Government to change its mind. 

It would cost less than £100m a year - and probably just £60m a year - to provide all those people with pensions. 

That's less than the Department of Work & Pensions has festering away as contingency funds. 

It is estimated that about 60,000 people have lost much of their hard-earned pensions through no fault of their own. 

Most worked for engineering and industrial companies, the heartland of Labour supporters. Some had contributed for 30 years or more to pensions in the firm belief that their prudence was securing their retirements, only to have their modest dreams snatched away. 

Those affected include workers at Allied Steel & Wire (ASW) Dexion and United Engineering, as well as a huge number of smaller firms, many of which Money Mail has highlighted. 

In the past few days, another manufacturing company, Mayflower, has gone under, and as there's a huge gap in its pension fund, its employees, too, could be looking at a bleak future. 

In its current form the Bill will do all these workers, who face impoverished retirements, absolutely no good at all. 

But a growing number of MPs - including more than 200 Labour - realise this is unfair and have put their names to Cardiff West MP Kevin Brennan's Early Day Motion demanding retrospective compensation. 

And Mr Brennan says he'll table an amendment to the Pensions Bill if the Government doesn't shift its stance and include those who have already seen their retirements ruined. With the backing of nearly 300 MPs, he could be leading one of the biggest rebellions against this government. 

Mr Brennan adds: 'The Bill itself is very good in addressing the problem for the future, but it does nothing for the 60,000 already affected. 

'I can identify with this personally: my father was a steelworker and, thankfully, his pension was fine. But I cannot imagine what he would have felt like if, after working in industry for years, he would then have seen his pension disappear. 
'I think a lot of Labour MPs, who come from a similar industrial background, feel the same and see the moral argument. 

'I am hoping the Government will actually come back with its own plans to include those currently affected in the compensation scheme.' 

If Mr Brennan is forced to table his amendment and all the 200-plus Labour MPs who've pledged their backing vote in favour, it would be a huge embarrassment for the Government and could lead to a bigger rebellion than it suffered over the Iraq war and university tuition fees. 

And it's also likely that the House of Lords would be in favour of including current victims in the compensation scheme. 

Liberal Democrats are backing compensation for all. The Conservatives are in favour in principle of compensation, but only if it's funded from the £15bn in unclaimed bank, building society and insurance companies. 

Nigel Waterson, MP for Eastbourne and shadow pensions minister, says: 'We would not be prepared to see taxpayers pay for this. 

'The Government has rubbished our idea in the past, saying that unclaimed assets must belong to someone. But in the Budget, the Chancellor said it would use them to prop up the Lottery.' 

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