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Special Pensions Bill passed


South Africa

 November 11, 2005 

The Special Pensions Amendment Bill, which, among other things, extends certain benefits to surviving spouses and children, was unanimously approved in the National Assembly on Friday. 

Introducing debate on the measure, Deputy Finance Minister Jabu Moleketi said the principal Act, adopted in 1996, provided for payment of special pensions and "survivor's lump sums". 

Beneficiaries were people and their eligible dependants who made sacrifices or served the public interest in establishing a non-racial democratic constitutional order. 

Only those who served full-time in a banned or restricted political organisation, and as a consequence of such activity, were unable to or prevented from providing for pensions for a significant period, qualified. 

Moleketi said the bill before the House extended certain benefits to bring them in line with those afforded to pensioners, their spouses and dependants under other pension schemes, taking into account equity and affordability. 
New benefits therefore included monthly pensions for surviving spouses or orphans on the death of a pensioner, effective retrospectively from December 1, 1996. 

It also provided for funeral benefits for pensioners, surviving spouses, or orphans. 

The bill further sets December 31, 2006 as the cut-off date for new applications for pensions and survivor's lump sums. 
The National Treasury would launch an extensive campaign to reach all those who qualified for a special pension and had not yet applied in the near future, Moleketi said. 

The bill received the support of all the major parties in the House, and will now go to the National Council of Provinces for concurrence. 

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