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Old Age Pension Hike 



January 4, 2006

The old age pension increase announced in this year's Budget came into effect on New Year's Day.

The Budget 2006 increased the old age pension by EUR14 to bring it to over EUR193 per week. 

'That puts us well on our way to reaching our EUR200 per week target in the lifetime of this Government said Fianna Fáil TD Peter Power. 

Last year, the Government increased the old age pension by EUR12 to EUR179.30. The extra EUR14 announced this year will make a real difference to the pockets of our elderly,' said Deputy Power.

The National Fuel Allowance increase from EUR 9 to EUR14 per week announced in the Budget also kicks in from New Year's Day. 

The Minister for Finance, Brian Cowen TD, halved the excise rate on Kerosene and LPG used for home heating on Budget day.

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