Pension Plans: How Will the New Personal
Account Pension Scheme Work?
By Ross Bentley
June 25, 2007
Proposals for a National Pensions
Saving Scheme, or Personal Accounts scheme, as it has become known, have
received broad backing from employer groups as well as members of the
general public - more than 80% are in favour, according to a recent
report from the Department of Work and Pensions.
If, as planned, they are introduced as part of wide-ranging pension
reforms in 2012, employers will be required to auto-enrol all employees
into either an existing pension scheme or a Personal Accounts scheme.
The minimum employer contribution allowed under the accounts scheme will
be 3% of an employee’s wage.
Employers that enrol employees into their existing scheme will have to
do so by applying for an exemption from Personal Accounts. The National
Association of Pension Funds (NAPF), the leading representative body for
employers offering pensions, is among those groups to welcome the
initiative. It says the package of proposals should increase the number
of people saving for retirement in the UK.
However, the association’s senior policy adviser, Michelle Lewis, was
keen to emphasis that Personal Accounts should complement, and not
compete with, existing good workplace pension provision. “One of
the concerns we have is that employers may ‘level down’ schemes to the
basic minimum required by Personal Accounts,” she said.
“Personal Accounts need to be targeted at the right people - those
without access to workplace pension schemes - and we have called on the
government to provide financial assistance to help them [employers] meet
the costs of auto-enrolment,” she added.
This, said Lewis, would best take the form of a fiscal incentive to
promote “levelling up” and to encourage employers to auto-enrol
employees into a pension at today’s typically high level. Called the
Good Pension Fiscal Incentive, she envisions it would apply for a short
transitional period, probably the three-year period for the phasing in
of mandatory contributions.
But with organisations competing to attract staff, Charles Cotton, an
adviser on reward and employment at the Chartered Institute of Personnel
and Development, did not believe Personal Accounts will herald a general
drop in employers’ pension contributions.
He pointed to the fall-out from the introduction of the minimum wage
where many employers paid above the minimum level to promote themselves
as good employers. “They saw it as a chance to enhance their
organisational brand,” Cotton said, “and did not want to come across as
bargain-basement employers. The same might happen with Personal Accounts.”
He said employers should start thinking now about what kind of pension
arrangements they are going to provide from 2012. To help them
understand the situation - especially those running small businesses
where other pressures usually take priority over pension provision -
Cotton said education from government was vital.
“If the pension reforms are going to work, government must get its act
together and start communicating with employers and employees alike,” he
“It doesn’t matter how good the reforms are, if they are not taken up or
understood then it hasn’t worked,” he added.
James Lloyd, a senior researcher at the International Longevity Centre
agreed. He said one of the reasons people don’t save or have adequate
pension cover is that the area of pensions is so complicated.
Lloyd would especially like to see more clarification on how Personal
Accounts will fit into a move towards means-tested pensions. He said
there may be some cases where Personal Accounts might not actually be
the best option.
He said: “These incidences might include those on low incomes with a
broken employment history, who might therefore lose means-tested
benefits, or single people likely to rent in retirement, with no
additional savings, who may be at risk of losing entitlement to housing
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