Bolivians Pass Dignity Pension
Prensa Latina
November 28, 2007

With cheers, applause and songs, Bolivians welcomed the unanimous approval in Senate of the Dignity Pension supporting old age, during a massive concentration at the centric Murrillo Plaza early on Wednesday.
Bolivian Congress Speaker Alvaro Garcia publicly announced the endorsement of 200 Bolivian pesos (about 25 dollars) per month for people over 60 years of age.
The also vice president added President Evo Morales will promulgate the law later today, thus increasing joy among the multitude at the Plaza.
The popular sectors, who had been on a vigil since Tuesday, also welcomed the decision to fund this rent with 30 percent of resources from the Direct Tax on Hydrocarbons
ó Bolivia was waiting for it, and the humble have won, ó affirmed Adolfo Chavez, executive secretary of the Confederation of Indigenous People in Eastern Bolivia
The popular will has thus been imposed, after protests and massive marches favoring that law and others the Bolivian opposition is delaying in Senate.
Almost at midnight, Parliament passed the Universal Old Age Law with the consensual support of the deputies and senators at the assembly, enough to validate the vote.
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