Elderly Growing
Debt Loads Faster than the Young
Financial Post
11, 2011
Canadian seniors aged 65 or more
are growing their debt-loads at faster pace than the young, says a TD
Economics Report released Tuesday. It warns the trend to entering
retirement with debt “raises questions about the long-term financial
security of these households.”
The report by TD deputy chief economist Derek Burleton and economist
Diane Petramala incorporates data from Ipsos Reid in its Canadian
Financial Monitor Survey. While all age groups have been borrowing more
since 2007, “the 65+ age group racked up debt at three times the
average pace.”
Seniors diversifying from stocks & bonds to real estate
True, seniors tend to have lower debt balances and larger asset bases
to fall back on. Also, much of the rising debt taken on by seniors is
coming from investments in real estate. Average real estate holdings in
the 65+ group has doubled since 2002, as they succumb to the lure of
low interest rates and appreciating home prices:
For those in or close to retirement, low returns on interest-bearing
securities and sharp equity losses in recent years have provided an
added incentive to diversify portfolios into real estate.
But real estate isn’t the whole story, TD says. On average, Canadians
are driving more cars or driving more expensive vehicles. And while
mortgage debt still accounts for 75% of average household debt loads,
use of lines of credit has been rising since 2007. The attraction of
lines of credit is variable-rate pricing that enables households to
“reap the benefits of [an] extraordinarily low level of short-term
interest rates.”
In earlier reports, TD warned household debt accumulation has “become
excessive.” Both in absolute terms and relative to income, household
debt has been rising across all ages for the last ten years. This
“highlights the growing vulnerability of household balance sheets to
unanticipated events … the truth of the matter is that asset values go
up and down in value but debt only declines when principal
payments are made.”
Debt could lower standard of living for retirees
TD closes by reiterating the warning from its June 2010 report on
retirement income security:
A significant share of Canadians are facing the prospects of a
declining standard of living in retirement due to lower savings rates,
volatility in asset markets, pension fund deficits and declining
employment pension coverage. A sustained trend toward rising debt
burdens among older Canadians could significantly exacerbate this
financial challenge.
I might add my own take on this: if you find it hard to carry large
amounts of debt while you’re still working, what makes you think it
will be any easier in retirement? It’s a lot easier to meet fixed
monthly expenses if you’re debt-free, up to and including the mortgage.
If you’re not, perhaps you should keep working until you are debt-free.
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