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India Takes up Old Challenge

The Times of India

October 2, 2011


On October 13, government officials in Delhi will discuss funding for an old-age issue: an ambitious project spanning 25 years to study how various socio-economic issues affect the country's senior citizens. The study will follow 30,000 people over 45 for 25 years to chronicle how factors such as nuclear families, migration of children, lack of pension, inadequate health system, etc impact their lives.

India's 60-plus brigade-often neglected in discussions about our young population-has been growing steadily. The group accounted for less than 5% of the population in 2001, but will make up 14% by 2050. In sheer numbers, projections from the latest 2011 Census pegged the 60-plus population at 100 million. "In 2026, they will account for over 174 million," said Dr Fauzdar Ram, director of the International Institute of Population Sciences.

The burgeoning population of senior citizens has the potential to dramatically alter existing economic policies. More greybeards, for instance, means that insurance and pension schemes have to be reworked. The rise in nuclear families, especially in urban India, underlines the need for better social infrastructure. These are just a few of the reasons propelling Indian experts to embark on a Longitudinal Ageing Study.

One aspect that will be analyzed in all its socio-economic details will be the "feminization" of the aged or the fact that there are more 70-plus women than men who are financially dependent. "Most women don't have any financial independence. In rural areas, land is almost never in the woman's name. When they outlive their husbands, they have to depend on their children or relatives," said Dr Fauzdar Ram, director of the International Institute of Population Sciences (IIPS).

The study, which will begin next year, will be undertaken by the IIPS, which is based in Deonar. The US National Institutes of Health will be the main funding organization, and Harvard University will be a partner. Next month, IIPS will announce the findings of a pilot study in Punjab, Rajasthan, Kerala and Karnataka. "The pilot study helped us fix a module for the larger study," said Ram. For instance, people underwent diagnostic tests to establish health indicators such cholesterol, BP, etc.

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