New Working Group Will Champion Pension for Thailand
January 19, 2009
A universal pension in Thailand would reach more older people.
A working group formed by HelpAge International to advocate for a universal social pension in Thailand has met for the first time to move forward its agenda.
The group comprises representatives from the Thai government, academia, NGOs, the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) in Thailand and HelpAge International.
It aims to develop concrete recommendations for the Thai government to expand the current pension system into a universal scheme which will reach all older people. Thailand currently has a means-tested pension, the Old Age Allowance (OAA), which reaches only the very poorest older people.
The group will start by publishing an evidence-based policy paper exploring why social pension improvements are needed in Thailand. This will be followed by a national forum of older people in February 2009 to build awareness of the government’s proposal to expanding the social pension, and discuss its potential impact on older people.
Ongoing efforts
HelpAge International has been working closely with stakeholders as part of an on-going effort to support a universal social pension for Thailand.
Over the last year, it has held a series of national, regional and international workshops and training events to bring together key stakeholders and older people to discuss the options for providing income security in old age and form partnerships.
A momentum of support for a universal pension has now been created which will be integral to the working group in reaching its goals.
Mr. Mongkol Danwilaipitikool, Head of the Provincial Social Development and Human Security Office in Thailand says:
“The implementation of social pension scheme in Thailand is a remarkable achievement in addressing poverty among older people in Thailand. Nevertheless, the programme can be further improved in terms of its implementation approach and coverage.”
Mr. Takeji Yoshikawa, Director General, The Japan Foundation, Bangkok says:
“Older people are more susceptible to poverty, and there is a need to examine the social support mechanisms available, including social pensions. There is a growing interest among civil society and governments due to emerging evidence that social pensions can deliver long term results to alleviate poverty and enhance the well-being of older people and their families, even when the amount of the pension is quite small.”
Regional workshop
As well as national-level activity in support of a universal pension, a regional workshop: ‘Social Pension Exchange and Planning for Southeast Asia’ is also being held this month. The workshop will bring together participants from Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and Vietnam – all countries which are looking to expand their social pension schemes
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