More than 400,000 Elders in FuJian Province Attend College for the EldersMay 27, 2004 FuJian Province - YongLin did not drive to work. However he drives to school after his retirement. YongLin worked for Xi'Men Air Company and got his driver's license. After his retirement, he bought a car. Now driving to the College for the Elders with his wife has been an indispensable part of his life. In FuJian Province, there are few elders who have their own cars. But there are many elders who are going to College for the Elders.
不服廉頗老矣 福建40萬老人上"老年大學"學習 記者 蔡清輝﹑巫奕龍 新華網,2004年5月27日 福州