Follow-Up Interview with
Dr. Monica Roqué, National Director for Policy on Aging of the National Secretariat for Children, Youth and Family of the Ministry of Social Development of Argentina
Action on Aging
May 2010
Argentina has taken the lead in the commitment to carry out a Convention on Human Rights.
1. How would you describe what has happened in Latin America and the Caribbean?
I would like to point out as a very important fact that MERCOSUR is leading this significant process, with respect to the promotion and creation of a convention on elder rights. CELADE and CEPAL are two regional organizations that are helping our government to promote this idea with organizations like the UN and OAS (Organization of America States).
Argentina has taken this matter to heart and it is now part of the governmental program. The government is committed to the Human Rights cause and this is a great opportunity to fight for the Rights of the Elderly.
2. What are the Argentinean objectives, in collaboration with the Regional Group, for this year?
Argentina was one of the participants during the Commission for Social Development (ECOS), where it asked the other UN members to consider the possibility of promoting a new convention. The Argentinean Mission to the UN also organized a meeting. In addition, Argentina will be promoting a Seminar on MERCOSUR’s gerontological policies in June, where aging will be the central topic.
3. In what ways can NGO’s support your efforts?
I believe that the NGOs’ role is to create awareness with others, whether they are governments or organizations for older people, in order that they understand the importance of having a convention.
What would you recommend to the NGO’s in New York in order to contribute effectively to propose a next convention? WebPages, declarations, meetings?
Everything you have mentioned is very good because we must have many strategies.
Moreover, it is necessary to send requests to the UN and the OAS. The NGOs that have consultant status at the UN should send requests and memos on its rationale.
4. How do you see finding yourself with the OAS in this effort?
I think it is very important to understand that we do not want to organize only one convention. We think we can have an Inter-American convention and an international one as well. OAS agreements should be more flexible. At the OAS, we have support from OPS which is one of our partners.
5. What advice do you have for NGO’s that are trying to promote this topic in other regions?
We would like them to spread the word about this topic. We want them to create awareness in governments and NGOs. We need more people claiming the need for a new convention. We need to join our efforts.
I believe that what you are doing is very important and I sincerely congratulate you for your efforts.
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