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Tribesmen Agree To Cooperate With Government

 By Muhammad Khurshid, Paknews.com

Peshawar, Pakistan

September 16, 2004

A representative Mehsud tribal jirga of South Waziristan, comprising more than 300 elders and ulemas held a detailed meeting with the NWFP Governor Lt. Gen.(R) Syed Iftikhar Hussain Shah at the Governor House Peshawar on Tuesday night, in which the situation in Mehsud area was discussed.
After lengthy consultations, it was agreed upon that the jirga process would be continued to explore a political and peaceful settlement to the issue without causing any further delay. The Governor while acceding to the unanimous decision by the jirga members authorized the Political Agent to convene a joint jirga so as a unanimous and result oriented course of action is devised by the elders themselves. The elders also requested the Governor that since the issue involves religious as a dominant factor therefore they have to consult the Ulemas before taking any decision in the matter. They said, we would reach to a collective peaceful settlement to the problem of presence of foreign elements in their respective areas otherwise the Government would have the right to choose any alternative course that would be fully backed by the elders.
The Governor Syed Iftikhar Hussain Shah however stressed that it would be in the interest of all concerned that the issue is resolved at the earliest. 
He also made it clear that the Government has no conditionality in this regard and urged the elders to come out with proper and concrete resolution because, he added wastage of time any more may prove detrimental. The Governor while addressing the jirga said we have no issue, no differences and no grudge with the tribes. It is an issue created by the foreign elements and if they are rooted out, the tribesmen could live with peace and harmony, he remarked. The Governor said that the interests of the tribesmen are very dear to us and we don't want to put them in hot water in any way. The Government is taking every step in the larger interest of the country, aiming to protect our motherland from facing fate like Iraq and Afghanistan.
The Governor reiterated the Govt. firm commitment towards wiping out terrorism and warned that the terrorists and their local harbourers and allies would not be spared at any cost. No compromise is possible with these people, he wowed and said, stance of the govt. in this regard is very much clear and commitment totally firm that we would not allow our soil to be used for any sort of terrorist acts. However he renewed the earlier made amnesty offer to the foreign elements saying they could be allowed to stay and even take part in local trade and agriculture related activities subject to proving their identities, laying down the arms and furnishing guarantee of good conduct from the elders of respective tribe to which they are annexed.
The Governor feared that the problem erupted in Mehsud area if not resolved immediately may cause Wana like situation including economic sanctions which would certainly hinder the development process in the area causing more difficulties to the people. The Governor urged the tribal elders to realize their responsibilities and play their role in avoiding more damages to the area. He said that we are equally grieved over the untoward happenings in the area during the last couple of days but he added the government was compelled to take action because if the Armed Forces come under attack; it has to retaliate using the right of self defense. The Governor in this connection also referred to certain incidences of the kind that occurred in Makin, Tiarza, Kaniguram, Taray Zor and Spinki Raghzi and said, "the Govt. cannot remain silent spectator in such a situation". 

The Governor paid rich tributes to the Armed Forces and said they are guardians of the country's frontiers as well protectors of the country from any foreign aggression. Besides, he added in any calamity like earthquake and floods etc. it is the Armed force which come to the rescue of the people and secure their lives.
Earlier the tribal elders including Inayat Khan Mehsud, Maulana Hisamuddin, Karam,at Khan, Col(R) Yaqub Mehsud in their speeches said that situation in South Waziristan is causing concern to every patriotic citizen of Pakistan and wished its early solution.
They emphasized the need for mutual consultation and jirga process and said that the elders and ulemas would succeed to search out proper solution. They also said the locals or the foreigners whoever is responsible to the creation of the unpleasant environment in the area should either be compelled to mend their attitude or wiped out totally. The tribal elders said that the tribesmen of South Waziristan are patriotic and peace loving citizens and would never support any act against the interest of the country.
We are and would remain opposed to terrorism and the terrorist, adding the Govt. and the tribesmen would be able to mutually work out the way to kick out the foreigners from the soil of Pakistan. 

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