Zvi Lavi, Ynet news
Ahead of vote on national budget
Tuesday, finance minister vows to increase support for weaker populations,
says Israel has potential for becoming 'economic powerhouse' Finance Minister Abraham Hirchson
said Monday that he plans to dedicate the coming year, 2007, to efforts to
narrow the socioeconomic gaps in the country. "If the growth
continues, we will be able to declare a war on poverty," he vowed. Hirchson, who presented the national
budget to the Knesset ahead of the vote on the budget set for Tuesday,
declared that he was looking into ways to decrease the damage to the
elderly, the sick and the weaker populations. These issues are currently
the bone of contention and threaten to abort an approval of the budget. The finance minister said that if it
maintains the budgetary objectives, Israel can become an economic
powerhouse. "If the human resources are allowed to realize their
potential – we'll become a modern economy free from bureaucratic
constraints, that is able to compete in the global market," he
stated. Despite the war in Lebanon and its
implications on the budget, Hirchson promised that the government will
continue to provide solutions for the weaker populations, through
employment incentives and financial support for those unable to work.