Elder Rights in

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World Tour of Older Persons Homes
on this World Tour to a little known place in
the world to discover how older persons are
Africa: Brutal Abuse of Elderly On the Rise
(August 8, 2012)
In a recent presentation held at the South African
Parliament, elder rights activists revealed
startling abuses faced by older persons living in
South Africa. The police are not doing enough to
protect the elderly -- many officers are not
familiar with the stipulations of the Older
Persons Act of 2006. Furthermore, money lenders
charge elders exorbitant and illegal interest
rates -- ranging from 30 to 50 percent.
Additionally, many older people who suffer from
dementia or Alzheimer's are tormented and abused
because they are seen as witches who exhibit
"strange behavior."
The Elderly Have Spoken (July 5, 2012)
On June 15 and 16 in Zvishavane and Hwedza, the
Parliament of Zimbabwe conducted public hearings
on the Older Persons Bill. Concerns were
expressed about the needs for universal pensions,
health assistance, food provision, and orphan care
support. 60% of Zimbabwean orphans and other
vulnerable children are cared for by seniors. Some
older adults discussed how they had sold livestock
to care for the children. The Minister of
Labour and Social Services anticipates that the
bill will be presented to Parliament for a second
reading before the House of Assembly begins its
Caring for the Elderly (April 2, 2012)
The family can no longer be counted upon for elder
care family, and social structures have fallen
apart due to reasons such as HIV and AIDS and
emigration. Grants are made from the Department of
Social Services but these are meager, especially
since the same pool is used to sponsor other
groups such as the disabled. Zimbabwe’s government
has proposed an Old People’s Bill that seeks to
improve grants. The measure is due to be debated
this year. However, the issue seems to be
overshadowed by other priorities.
Zimbabwe: Right to Secure a Living in Old Age
(March 26, 2012)
Traditionally, the whole community cares for the
elderly. However, in modern times, older persons
are no longer able to age with dignity. For
example, HIV affects older persons in two ways:
first, they are being left out of HIV-related
programs, and second, they become caregivers to
grandchildren when parents succumb to the disease.
The writer suggests that if the elderly have to be
caregivers without much social support, they
should be employed so that they earn an income and
be kept healthy psychologically.
Point of View: When Ageing is a “Crime” in
Malawi (March 19, 2012)
Even though there is a Ministry responsible for
Persons with Disabilities and the Elderly, there
is no comprehensive social protection for the
elderly in Malawi. Access to healthcare is crucial
since the elderly tend to turn to traditional
remedies instead of modern science. Also, the
government’s HIV/AIDS program assumes that those
above 49 are not sexually active which means older
persons are often excluded from HIV/AIDS
information and prevention.
Federation of Senior Citizens: Open Letter to
the Leaders of Madagascar (January 18, 2012)
(Article in
Federation of Senior Citizens in Madagascar
FIZOMA, wrote an open letter to the authorities
denouncing the marginalization of old people and
reaffirming their desire to help political leaders
and make use of their foresight and experience.
Seniors account for more than 9% of the population
of the island; their leader, Moks
Razafindramiandra, deplores and has called
attention to the deterioration of elders’ living
conditions of older people and their low status in
People Excluded and Abandoned (January 9, 2012)
(Article in
The rights of older people and the conditions
under which they live are still sensitive issues
in Gabon. Many elderly are in situations of
extreme poverty. In this interview, Patricia
Annette Pradeau Foumangoye, head of Melen
Hospital’s Department of Gerontology and
Geriatrics, lists the measures taken within her
service to deal with two main causes of their
condition, namely, lack of financial resources and
family conflicts. She also reviews allowances paid
by the Gabonese government, and calls for
solidarity, an essential value in the Bantu
Retirement Homes Encourage Abandonment of Old
People? (January 9, 2012)
The evolution to an urban society is often equated
with a decline in the status of the family,
specifically older people. Those who have no
care-giving support or have been abandoned find
themselves in a retirement home based in the
Kagarama sector, Kicukiro district. The concept of
the elderly living in homes is new in the country
and brings up a troubling thought: will this
encourage abandonment of old people?
Violence against older women: tackling
witchcraft accusations in Tanzania (August 2011)
In many parts of the world, superstition leads to
accusations of witchcraft against older women,
sometimes resulting in murder and other forms of
violence. Due to limited understanding of
HIV and other infections, neighbors may blame
older women for the deaths of family members,
particularly those of husbands. Inadequacies
exist in the current legislation to protect older
women against such accusations.
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