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American Retirement Increasingly Rides the Market 

By Mark Sappenfield, The Christian Science Monitor 

February 16, 2005 

Bush's approach on privatization is a system that's been building in the private sector since the 1990s, punctuated by the likes of IBM closing fully paid plans to new workers and steering them instead toward personal accounts. States, 
too, have been moving toward systems that expose retirees to 
stock-market risk but cost the employer less. Michigan has a program in 
place. California and as many as seven other states may follow suit. 

The debate over personal accounts in Social Security, in short, is 
being shaped in part by broad changes in the nation's retirement 
landscape, not just by perceptions of the federal program's health. 
This debate pits the popularity that 401(k) style plans enjoy with many 
Americans against the worries of many others that their retirement 
security is eroding on more than one front. 

Some of the factors driving the trend in states and businesses are 
different from those in the Social Security debate. Yet the momentum 
for change, from governors' mansions to the corporate boardroom, speaks 
to a broad reevaluation of whether the generous network of pension 
systems evolved generations ago can and should survive amid modern 
economic pressures. 

"It's a question of retirement-income policy for the whole country," 
says Donald Segal of the American Academy of Actuaries' pension 
practice council. 

In the 1990s, with workers becoming increasingly mobile and the stock 
market setting new records, many state and private employees came to 
believe that they could manage their retirement money better than their 
pension fund, which favored workers who stay with one employer for many 
years. Six states responded with pension plans that offered optional 
personal accounts or hybrids of personal accounts and traditional paid 
benefits. Michigan went so far as to close its old plan for all new 

States remain eager to move more people toward stock-market accounts. 
The reason is simple: to save money. But in today's more tepid stock 
climate, workers aren't necessarily eager to invest. In Florida, 4 
percent of workers who have a choice are enrolled in private accounts. 

Unlike Social Security, which is funded by workers' and employers' 
contributions, state and business pensions are funded in large part by 
state investments in the stock market During the past 15 years, the 
percentage of state pension assets invested in stocks has risen from 40 
to 60 percent. 

The shift has made pension plans more vulnerable to the vacillations of 
Wall Street. For employers, private accounts are seen as a way to 
lessen that uncertainty - and cap their obligations in an era when 
life-spans are increasing and baby boomers are poised to retire. 

That's because traditional pensions, known as defined-benefit plans, 
guarantee employees a certain retirement income, regardless of how 
stocks perform. If they nosedive, as happened recently, then the state 
must make up the difference. 

By contrast, with private accounts, also called defined-contribution 
plans, the employer pays a set amount into an employee's retirement 
account, and the employee invests in any one of a dozen or so 
portfolios approved by the state - leaving the employee on the hook if 
stocks fall. 

"It's a cost-saving mechanism," says John Ehrhardt of Milliman, an 
actuarial consulting firm in New York. "States need predictability in 
their cost structures." 

For states already wrestling with billion-dollar deficits, the new 
pension burden can be significant. In California, the state paid $160 
million to the California Public Employees' Retirement System in 2000. 
This year, it is expected to pay $2.6 billion. That led Gov. Arnold 
Schwarzenegger to propose a solution like Michigan's: All new public 
employees go to a private-account system. Seven other states from 
Virginia to Alaska are either considering bills on the issue or are 
conducting studies. 

The same forces are at work in business. Some 13 percent of firms 
surveyed by Aon Consulting in 2003 had instituted a freeze on their 
defined-benefit plans during the previous two years and 6 percent more 
were considering the step. It's not that companies are eager to abandon 
the old benefit system. That system "is the most efficient way to 
provide benefits," says Mr. Ehrhardt, suggesting it's often difficult 
for employers, as well as workers, to keep tabs on personal accounts. 

But many firms believe they have no choice. The unprecedented drop of 
both stock prices and interest rates led some financial officers to 
embrace private accounts as a hedge against future downturns. Moreover, 
many old-line companies with aging workforces are finding it hard to 
compete with newer companies, which often keep costs down with 401(k)s. 

In Michigan, some people eye plans like Governor Schwarzenegger's 
warily. "A lot of people don't have the expertise [to invest wisely], 
and defined-contribution plans are not a cure for everything," says 
Michael Reaves of the Michigan Association of Public Employee 
Retirement Systems. 

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