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China expands “Elderly Homes” program


By Yunjie Cheng 

Duo Wei News, June 10, 2003

Beijing – To improve lives of the elderly in rural China, the government will expand its “Elderly Homes” program from cities to the rural area. The program, established in July 2001, has built over 20,000 centers in cities around China, which provide the elderly with services ranging from health advices to leisure entertainment. (The text is in Chinese.)

To read the following Chinese article, please install the Internet Explorer Chinese language pack or NJ star communicator.




程雲傑, 多維



北京 - 為滿足農村地區日益增長的老年福利需求,中國將把“星光老年之家”的建設重點從城市向農村轉移,以提高和改善農村地區的社會福利水平。(




楊衍銀講:“ 雖然改革開放以來,我國的社會福利事業已取得長足發展,但城響差異和區域差異依然存在,只有加快對農村福利服務設施和服務水平的改善,才能使更多農村老齡人口的老年生活得到保障。”

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