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AARPwww.aarp.org or www.aarpinternational.org
The AARP Foundation administers programs that assist older Americans. These programs, funded by grants or cooperative agreements with governments or private organizations, provide a wide variety of services including job training, tax assistance, assistance with important lawsuits being decided by the courts, and much more.

ACTION FOR OLDER PEOPLE: www.knowsley.gov.uk/health/social_services/general_support_care/advice_services.html
This web site has been developed with one aim and that is to provide wider access to information for Older People. It is through 'Action for Older People' that we wish to promote independence, choice and participation, healthy ageing and lifelong learning. 

For over thirty years, the Administration on Aging (AoA) has provided home and community-based services to millions of our nation's vulnerable and hard to reach older persons through the programs funded under the Older Americans Act.

AIDS INSTITUTE: http://www.theaidsinstitute.org  
The AIDS Institute provides leadership to alleviate the human toll of the HIV/AIDS epidemic through programs, policies and partnerships that exemplify compassion and empower individuals, communities and institutions. The institute is affiliated with the Division of Infectious Diseases and International Medicine at the University Of South Florida College Of Medicine.

Age Concern England : www.ageconcern.org.uk
Age Concern England works to improve the quality of life and provide opportunities for the country's senior citizens. This network of over 1,000 local organizations offers a wide range of community-based services. It also makes grants available to organizations providing services for the benefit of older people. 

AGE ESTEEM: www.ageesteem.com 
Age Esteem seeks to create a world where age and aging are celebrated and people of all ages are seen as important, contributing members of society. 

AGE POSITIVE: www.dwp.gov.uk/age-positive/
Age Positive is a UK government website dedicated to promoting the elimination of age discrimination and the welfare of older people in the workplace. The site provides information on the UK legislation regarding the right of older people to training and employment. It also includes a  "Code of Practice on Age Diversity in Employment" which includes a set of Good Practice standards, case studies, research and reports, to help employers recognize the business benefits of an age-diverse workforce.

AGING AND ETHNICITY : www.aeweb.org
The Ageing and Ethnicity Web wants to give world wide information on issues related to minority ethnic older persons. 

Aging in Canada : www.canadianelderlaw.ca
This website is dedicated to social and legal issues affecting seniors in Canada. The purpose of the site is provide information and raise awareness of key issues to help advance their rights as full citizens in Canadian society.

AGING IN NEW YORK FUND, INC : www.anyf.org
The Aging in New York Fund, Inc. is dedicated to enhancing the quality of life for older New Yorkers and their families. Through partnerships with the public and private sectors, the Fund is forging vital new visions and innovative models for services for the aging.

Alzheimer's Association : www.alz.org
The Alzheimer's Association is the largest national voluntary health organization committed to finding a cure for Alzheimer's and helping those affected by the disease. The Association also provides education and support for people diagnosed with the condition, their families, and caregivers.

AMERICAN AGING ASSOCIATION : www.americanaging.org
For over 3 decades the American Aging Association (AGE) has been working to promote research which will ultimately lead to a long, healthy, productive life for all men and women.

The Assisted Living Federation of America (ALFA) represents over 7,000 for-profit and not-for-profit providers of assisted living, continuing care retirement communities, independent living and other forms of housing and services. 

ATTAC : www.attac.org
A group linking citizens, associations, trade unions and newspapers founded ATTAC in France on June 3rd, 1998 around a platform against globalization. The French association later contributed towards the birth of the international movement ATTAC, while working with numerous partners in the world.

BODY, THE COMPLETE  HIV/AIDS RESOURCES: http://www.thebody.com/index/whatis/older.html  
This website provides HIV/AIDS resource for older persons including basic knowledge, prevention issues, and related articles and reports.

The California Commission serves as the "principal advocate in the state on behalf of older individuals, including, but not limited to, advisory participation in the consideration of all legislation and regulations made by state and federal departments and agencies relating to programs and services that affect older individuals."

A national, multidisciplinary scientific and educational established to provide leadership in matters related to the aging population.

CENTER FOR DISEASE CONTROL NATIONAL PREVENTION INFORMATION NETWORK: http://www.cdcnpin.org/scripts/population/elderly.asp 
The Center for Disease Control National Prevention Information Network (CDC NPIN) is a source of international and US information and materials on HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Sexually Transmitted Disease education and prevention organizations. NPIN is located on the main campus of the Center for Disease Control in Atlanta, Georgia and includes a library of research publications, educational materials, and a history of the spread of HIV/AIDS.

Centers for Medicare & Medicaid ServiceS : www.cms.hhs.gov
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Service (CMS) provides health insurance for over 74 million Americans through Medicare, Medicaid and SCHIP. CMS also performs a number of quality-focused activities, including regulation of laboratory testing (CLIA), development of coverage policies, and quality-of-care improvement.

An independent organization aiming to formulate and promote social policies which will allow all older people to achieve full potential of their later years. CPA promotes informed about issues affecting older age groups, stimulates awareness of the needs of older people and encourage good practice.

Commonwealth Fund : www.cmwf.org
The Commonwealth Fund is a private foundation that supports independent research on health and social issues and makes grants to improve health care practice and policy. The Fund is dedicated to helping people become more informed about their health care, and improving care for vulnerable populations such as children, elderly people, low-income families, minority Americans, and the uninsured.

Eldercare Locator Now Online : www.eldercare.gov 
The Eldercare Locator is a national directory assistance public service of the U.S. Administration on Aging that helps people locate aging services in every community throughout the United States. The primary goal of the service is to promote awareness of and improve access to state, area agency and local community aging programs and services.

ESHEL : http://www.eshelnet.org.il/en/index.php
The association for the Planning and Development of Services for the Aged in Israel is the central planning body for community-based services for the elderly in Israel.

EUROLINK AGE : www.eurolinkage.org
Eurolink Age is a not-for-profit European network concerned with older people and issues of ageing. It is a network of organizations and individuals that promotes good policy and practice on aging in Europe.

The European NGOs for Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, Population and Development (called "EuroNGOs") seek to translate the commitments of the International Conference on Population and Development (ICPD, Cairo 1994) into international cooperative programs in the field of sexual and reproductive health in developing countries.

The European Social Welfare Information Network (ESWIN) is a network that enables professionals to obtain secondary and tertiary information on social welfare topics in various countries of the UN-European Region. The network has a web site which enhances access to information from member countries in the network that includes national information on social welfare systems, key resources and professional bodies active in the area.

FRIEDRICH EBERT STIFTUNG http://www.fesdc.org/ 
The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) was founded in 1925 as a political legacy of Germany's first democratically elected president, Friedrich Ebert. The Foundation spends approximately half of its annual budget on international activities.The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung sees its activities in the developing countries as a contribution to promote peace and understanding between peoples and inside the partner countries and gain recognition for human rights. 

GRAY PANTHERS : www.graypanthers.org
Gray Panthers is an intergenerational advocacy organization. From age 9 to 93, they are Age and Youth in Action, activists working together for social and economic justice. Their issues include universal health care, jobs with a living wage and the rights to organize, preservation of Social Security, affordable housing, access to quality education, economic justice, environment, peace and challenging ageism, sexism, racism.

GLOBAL ACTION ON AGING: : www.globalaging.org
Global Action on Aging (GAA), based in New York at the United Nations, reports on older people's needs and potential within the global economy. It advocates by, with and for older persons worldwide. It was founded by Susanne Paul in 1994. GAA posts materials in all six UN official languages: Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian, and Spanish. It monitors United Nation activity on aging through the "Aging Watch at the UN" web-section and documents the situation of older persons caught in armed conflict. 

Health in Action : www.health-in-action.org
Health in Action is online access to health promotion and injury prevention resources in Alberta including programs, contacts, research, links, listservs, conferences, news, and feature articles. Health in Action is the ultimate networking resource for health promotion and injury prevention practitioners in Alberta.

HEALTH ON THE NET - AGEING DOSSIER : www.hon.ch/Dossier/Ageing/part3.html
HON Ageing Dossier proposes an overview of the ageing process completed with a section on related diseases like Alzheimer's, Parkinson diseases, osteoporosis, cancers...

HELPAGE INTERNATIONAL : http://www.helpage.org/Home
Helpage International is a global network of non-governmental organizations with a mission to work with and for disadvantaged older people worldwide to achieve a lasting improvement in the quality of their lives. The organization funds projects which give direct support to older people in over 50 countries worldwide, supports organizations working with older people, and provides a voice for older people. To follow MIPAA implementation efforts and read information on interesting projects, such as the “Older Citizens Monitor the Madrid Plan” initiative in which older persons around the world directly monitor their governments’ MIPAA implementation process, please click here.

HELP THE AGED : www.helptheaged.org.uk
Help the Aged works to ensure vulnerable older people are able to live independent lives. There are many different services they offer to assist people in practical ways in the United Kingdom.

ISIS International Manila is a feminist NGO dedicated to women's information and communication needs. Documenting ideas and visions. Creating channels to communicate. Collecting and moving information. Networking and building links. They focus on those advancing women's rights, leadership and empowerment in Asia and the Pacific.

INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF GERONTOLOGY : www.iagg.com.br/webforms/index.aspx

The International Association of Gerontology was founded in 1950. Its objectives are to promote gerontological research, training in the field of aging and encourage the interests of gerontological organizations in international affairs. The IAG has members in more than 60 countries in five regions.

International Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing : www.iahsa.net
The mission of the International Association of Homes and Services for the Ageing (IAHSA) is to connect and support care and service providers worldwide to enhance the quality of life for the ageing. IAHSA represents the interests of its members and promotes the association's goals through ethical leadership, advocacy, networking, education, information, and other services.

Contributes to the development of the humanitarian activities of the 169 National Societies, and has an interest improving services and support for the elderly in the country of the National Societies.

IFA is an umbrella organization that links organizations, associations, agencies, programs and individuals representing and serving older persons around the world at the grassroots level.

An autonomous body under the auspices of the United Nations, the Institute holds a number of training courses for persons from developing countries, carries out research projects, hosts conferences and offers consultative services.

International Labour Organization (ILO) : www.ilo.org
The Strategic objectives of the ILO is to promote and realize standards and fundamental principles and rights at work, create greater opportunities for women and men to secure decent employment and income, enhance the coverage and effectiveness of social protection for all, strengthen tripartism and social dialogue.

INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH AND TRAINING INSTITUTE FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF WOMEN (INSTRAW): http://www.un-instraw.org/                                                            INSTRAW is the only institution in the United Nations system solely devoted to research and training for the advancement of women. They have just created a new page about Gendered Aspects of Ageing to facilitate the sharing of information and to stimulate discussion and raising awareness that ageing is a gendered phenomenon and hence that there is a need to promote gender sensitive policies and programs.

1999 was the International Year of the older persons. This UN website updates the ageing information about Asia and Pacific.

The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation is an independent philanthropy focusing on the major health care issues facing the nation. Their work is focused in three main areas: Health Policy, Media and Public Education, and Health and Development in South Africa.

Leadership Council of Ageing Organizations : www.lcao.org
The Leadership Council of Aging Organizations (LCAO) is a coalition of national nonprofit organizations concerned with the well-being of America's older population and committed to representing their interests in the policy-making arena.

MEDICARE : www.medicare.gov.
Medicare is a Health Insurance Program for people 65 years of age and older, some disabled people under 65 years of age, and people with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure treated with dialysis or a transplant).

MEDICARE WATCH : http://tcf.org/healthcare
The Century Foundation Task Force on Medicare Reform is urging policymakers to focus on reducing the economic vulnerability of older Americans and improving their health, rather than basing policy primarily on the Medicare's potential financial difficulties.

Middle East Journal of Family Medicine : http://www.mejfm.com
Middle East Journal of Family Medicine (MEJFM), a new peer-reviewed journal, meets the needs of scientists, practitioners, policymakers, and the patients and communities they serve in the Middle-East. Representing family doctors in 24 countries, it aims to lift the status of family medicine as well as focus on the particular health needs of the region. The journal therefore has an extensive Editorial Board with 12 Middle East countries and 13 international countries represented.

MINISTRY OF HEALTH AND WELFARE, JAPAN : www.mhlw.go.jp/english/index.html
Here is the link to the English version of the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare website.

The National Academy on an Aging Society is a policy institute of The Gerontological Society of America with a mission to promote innovative and responsible thinking on issues arising from the aging of our society.

NCEA site offers many resources to help you find the assistance, publications, data, information, and answers you need. It has information on conferences, community coalitions, statistics, laws, how to report elder abuse, and the basics facts about elder abuse. 

NCOA is the nation's first association of organizations and professionals dedicated to promoting the dignity, self-determination, well being, and contributions of older persons. NCOA's members include senior centers, area agencies on aging, adult day services, faith congregations, senior housing, health centers, employment services, and consumer organizations.

The National Institute on Aging (NIA), leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life. The NIA's mission is to improve the health and well-being of older Americans through research.

NGO FORUM ON AGEING : http://www.globalaging.org/waa2/ngoforum.htm
The NGO Forum on Ageing will take place from April 5th - 9th, 2002 in Madrid. It is the result of the wide consensus for Non-Governmental Organizations to actively participate in the design of concrete plans affecting older persons.  

An interdisciplinary association for the study of aging in all aspects. Aims include training those caring for older people, advising, promoting research and stimulating interest and action in all matters concerning the welfare of older people.

The Population Reference Bureau is the leader in providing timely and objective information on U.S. and international population trends and their implications. PRB fulfills its mission by implementing activities in six areas: design, produce, disseminate, and promote the use of print and electronic material on key population and health topics.

RESEARCH NETWORK ON HIV/AIDS AND THE ELDERLY: http://agingaidsnet.psc.isr.umich.edu/  
The Research Network on HIV/AIDS and the Elderly represents an international network of researchers with interest in the impact of the HIV/AIDS epidemic on older persons. The network seeks to connect researchers, provide information about current and past projects and also about developments in the field, including new or planned studies, new governmental policies and programs, and relevant conferences and meetings.

Twenty years after the first one, the Second World Assembly on Ageing is being held to help governments and societies plan policies that will ensure that older persons can continue to contribute to society in a meaningful way to the best of their ability.

SENIOR JOB BANK : www.seniorjobbank.org/links/index.html
This website presents a list of websites of governmental and non-governmental organizations.

Social Security is more than a retirement program. It provides you and your family with disability, retirement and survivor's protection. The age at which you can receive your full retirement benefits is rising. But you can still collect retirement benefits as early as age 62.

SOCIAL SCIENCE INFORMATION GATEWAY : http://www.ariadne.ac.uk/issue2/sosig/
The Social Science Information Gateway (SOSIG) is a freely available Internet service which aims to provide a trusted source of selected, high quality Internet information for students, academics, researchers and practitioners in the social sciences, business and law.

The Spanish Geriatrics and Gerontology Association works to promote advancement in the understanding of the aging process, bring together researchers and professionals, and promote actions aimed at improving the quality of life of the elderly.

UNITED NATIONS : www.un.org
The United Nations gathers 189 Nations from the Developed Countries and the Developing Countries. Together they raise questions and try to resolve problems all over the World. Their website shows their work day after day.

The United Nations Non-Government Liaison Service promotes dynamic partnerships between the UN and NGOs. By providing information, advice, expertise and support services, NGLS is part of the UN’s effort to strengthen dialogue with civil society and gain public support for economic and social development. This is one of the best web sites to obtain information on UN activities. For information about the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing specifically, please click here

UN Program on Ageing : www.un.org/esa/socdev/ageing
The United Nations develop the UN program on Ageing to facilitate and contribute to the creation of a society for all ages. This website presents all the information about this program.

URBAN INSTITUTE : www.urban.org
The Urban Institute measures effects, compare options, shows which stakeholders get the most and least, tests conventional wisdom, reveals trends, and makes costs, benefits, and risks explicit. 

WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION: www.who.int/ageing/en/ 
The World Health Organization promotes healthy ageing and publishes its research on this website. WHO carries out work that demonstrates how to make Primary Health Care and Treating Older Persons in Emergencies more age-friendly.

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