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GAA: News & Views

Senator Cafaro Receives Award for Her Work on Behalf of Older Ohioans (September 2009)
Senator Capri Silestri Cafaro, a former Social Analyst at Global Action on Aging (Winter Team 2005/2006), is a Democratic member of the Ohio Senate since her appointment in 2007. The Ohio Association of Area Agencies on Aging has rewarded her commitment to protect the rights of older Ohioans with “the Elected Official Advocacy Award for 2009.” This Award recognizes her long-standing interest in public policy pertaining to health care and the needs of older adults. Cafaro, the youngest woman ever to serve in Ohio State Legislature, is also the Minority leader of the Ohio Senate. Brava, Capri!

Nursing Homes Visit - An Emotional Day (May 29, 2008)
GAA Intern Tina Malguth from Germany visited three Brooklyn nursing homes in one day. She wanted to see nursing homes in New York because she had been a volunteer in several nursing homes in her home country. She reports about her interesting experience and makes comparisons between the facilities.She thanks Chiquita Smith and GAA who made this trip possible. 

Discussion with Chiquita Smith (March 24, 2008) 
Earlier this year, GAA Volunteer Chiquita Smith visited GAA’s office staff, along with her home care aide, Pauline Roach. They came to talk about the situation facing older persons in nursing homes and in home care situations in New York City. Both women analyzed some of the dilemmas facing patients and workers in such institutions. This account describes many of the problems to be found in the US version of old age care. Both women urge conscientious citizens to visit nursing homes on a regular basis so that the “light of public opinion” can focus on abuse and potential abuse. Further, regular friendly visits to lonely, isolated seniors can change waiting for death to living each day to its fullest.

Ageing In Belize, NCA Featured In Global Action On Ageing Newsletter (July 25, 2007)
Lindy Jeffery, Executive Director of the National Council on Ageing (NCA) of Belize, quickly responded to the Global Action on Aging survey on the occasion of the 5 year review of the Madrid International Plan of Action on Ageing. Along with a completed questionnaire, she provided an astonishing poster
depicting the Voice of the organization. The poster reveals the “voice” of the older people, part of the public awareness campaign on behalf of the organization. Lindy Jeffery thanks Global Action on Aging for publishing the poster on its weekly newsletter cover page. She thinks it shows the rest of the world that Belize cares and works on improving the life of its senior population.

Intern Mariam Nahapetyan from Armenia Meets AIWA Member (July 21, 2007)
Siroon P. Shahinian, Ph.D., psychologist and co-chair of the Armenian International Women's Association (AIWA) of New York, maintains close ties with Global Action on Aging. She enjoyed meeting Mariam Nahapetyan, a GAA intern from Armenia who pursued graduate level studies in economics at Ohio University as a US State Department (Muskie) scholar. Dr. Shahinian, a representative of Armenian Diaspora in the US, gave Mariam an inclusive overview about the Armenian community in New York City and its social life. In return, Mariam told Dr. Shahinian about her experience with GAA and her special interest in social and private pension issues around the world. On this occasion, Dr. Shahinian wrote an article pointing out the aspirations of GAA and internship opportunities for students across the world.

United Methodist News Service Features GAA Summer Seminar (June 22, 2007)
The News Service of the United Methodist Church in New York recently published an article featuring GAA’s Summer Seminar on “Older Women and Disabilities.” GAA President Susanne Paul and Program Coordinator Alischa Kugel invited Matthew Sapolin, commissioner of the New York City Mayor’s Office for People with Disabilities, as the guest speaker. Sapolin suggested that the aging and disability movements join forces on the issues of accessibility and affordability of housing and transportation, “letting the world know we are empowered” for action.

Internships Allow Experience with UN, Aging Issues (August 12, 2005)
In an interview featured in the most recent edition of the United Methodist Church 's News publication, some members of the GAA's summer team along with GAA's President Susanne Paul had the opportunity to share in their experience at GAA, and explain the details of their everyday work. Interns Stephanie Oduro, Priya Sharma, Cindy Chin and Rou Fu, are attracted to GAA for various reasons, and they come from different places, but often share one thing in common: a background rich in culture and language. Currently GAA is hosting interns from different states within the US, along with China Taiwan Japan Russia and the United Arab Emirates. Many are fluent in one or more of the official languages of the United Nations-English, French, Arabic, Spanish or Russian. For more on the interns as well as GAA's goals and mission as a Non-Governmental Organization in New York, refer to the article.

If you have comments about GAA, please feel free to send them to us at globalaging@globalaging.org. Thank You !

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