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Village” in China
Chenming Jian, and Yongfu Ouyang Xin
Hua News Agency, June 16, 2003 Guang Zhou,
China – Jin Tu Village in Zhanjiang city, Guangdong province is known as
the “longevity village” with over 150 people 80 years or older, 95
people 90 years or older, and 7 people 100 years or older. Most of these very
older people are very active. They do farming, play flute, perform
traditional Chinese lion-dancing, and do housework. The village is
planning to build a senior center to take better care of these elderly. (The
text is in Chinese.) To read the following Chinese article, please install the Internet Explorer Chinese language pack or NJ star communicator. 湛江有個“長壽村”
簡陳明,歐陽永福, 新華社
2003年6月16日 廣州 - 廣東省湛江市徐聞縣有個遠近聞名的“長壽村”叫金土村。這個有2000余村民的沿海漁村,80以上老人有150多人,其中超過90的95人,百雖以上壽星7人,年齡最高的108。 金土村西臨北部灣,佔地面積0.12平方公裡。近日,記者慕名來到這個濱海村莊,村幹部王春卓把村裡的老人介紹給我們:101雖的武洪家還能穿針縫衣,93的武學道吹笛子婉轉動聽,80多的武家平在村裡領隊舞獅,王春卓的父親今年95了,紅光滿面,常常下地幹活。(chinesenewsnet.com) 漫部在金土村,仿彿走進一個綠色的世界,茅屋掩映在綠樹之中,鳥歌嬋鳴,清風習習,令人心曠神怡。村裡上百年的榕樹、刺桐樹、英公岸樹隨處可見,還有9口上百年的古井,其中的6口井,井水至今清淨甘甜。金土村三面環山,村後傍依著大海。村民們出海捕魚、下田耕作、栽菜種果。由於靠海,這裡的人們除了幾乎每天都吃魚蝦,平時吃的多是番薯粗糧拌有少許大米和蔬菜。 Copyright © 2002 Global
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