Access to Transportation: Promoting the Independence of Older Persons


A position paper prepared for the 9th Commission on Sustainable Development by the Caucus of Older Persons, and the subject for discussion at the Caucus meeting held April 18, 2001, as a side event during CSD-9.

The 2001 review of Agenda 21 calls for the consideration of the transportation needs of major groups, listed in Section 3. Although those over the age of 60 years are one of largest and fastest growing segments of the world's population, these individuals were overlooked as a major group in 1992, by the drafters of this Section. The contributions of Older Persons, as a major group, to a sustainable future must be considered a priority, and this oversight should be corrected in future reviews of this document. 

In 1991, by it resolution A/46/91, the General Assembly adopted the "United Nations Principals for Older Persons" touching on five major themes: independence, participation, self-fulfillment, dignity and care. Transportation is a key element in achieving each on the of these goals. The "Principals" highlighted the life concerns of persons who are living longer, more productive lives. A steady stream of one million individuals a month now crosses the threshold to age 60, eighty percent of whom are in developing countries. The total number of those age 60, and over is projected to reach 600 million by the year 2001 and 1.97 billion by the year 2050. These figures are a powerful reminder of the far-reaching, if quiet, demographic revolution now affecting the social and economic structures of societies. 

Recognizing that older persons are a large and diverse population, transportation is a critical element in enabling older persons to maintain positive and productive lives in both rural and urban areas. To sustain independence, older persons must have access to transportation, permitting them to participate in the community; engage in income generating activities; reach educational opportunities, as well as health care providers; obtain food, water and other resources; support self-help activities of all kinds and actively engage in a multigenerational society. Additionally, adequate transportation facilitates the older person's ability to find safe and adaptable living environments. 

We urge governments to take action, along with the support of non-governmental organizations and the private sector, to: 

  • Ensure adequate transportation for Older Persons to reach employment possibilities that will help them to secure income and be economically self-sustaining. 

  • Ensure transportation for Older Persons living in poor neighborhoods (slums), to maintain contacts with sustaining facilities such as markets, and social, religious, and recreational facilities. 

  • Provide transportation, including emergency transportation, so that Older Persons in both rural and urban settings can have access to needed health care and facilities. 
    Ensure that buses or other means of public transportation are accessible to disabled persons of all ages. 

  • Ensure that transportation data collection is both gender and age disagregated. 

  • Provide bus, truck, bicycle or other transportation for older-rural farmers to get their produce to local markets to secure income and be economically self sustaining. 
    Provide transportation of any kind -- mechanical or animal -- to relieve the physically demanding burden of women of all ages of obtaining water for family use. This time consuming task has a major effect on older women in rural areas, causing additional physical deterioration. 

  • Provide wheel chairs to allow older disabled persons to enjoy a sense of well-being when visiting recreational and cultural facilities. 

  • Provide appropriate transportation to accommodate the increasing number of older tourists globally. 

Global Action on Aging
PO Box 20022, New York, NY 10025
Phone: +1 (212) 557-3163 - Fax: +1 (212) 557-3164

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