Logo World NGO Forum on Ageing

NGO Forum on Ageing 5-9 April 2002




April 7, 2002



A volunteers team

A real team formed by 300 uniformed volunteers, with the mission of helping other people, are part of the Red Cross, Hong Kong. After taking training courses, these elderly people take care of other dependent people with the aim of improving living standard. For the volunteers, this work is a way of being active, socially useful; for the benefited, the priceless help of company, home services or even a reminder that they should take care and follow their medical treatment.

It is, in fact, in a hospital of Hong Kong where these uniform teams have a great acceptance. In these big health structures, it is easy to be confused. The teams provide a link and a source of information.

As the general coordinator of the Spanish Red Cross, Antonio Bruel i Carreras, said firmly at this workshop, “We do not need elderly people to get developed, but we need a development in which elderly people can take part”.



Global Action on Aging
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Phone: +1 (212) 557-3163 - Fax: +1 (212) 557-3164
Email: globalaging@globalaging.org

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