Population planning on the development agenda
"As we enter a new century and a new
millennium, old and young - and all in between - are called upon to join
in the common task of shaping a rapidly changing world. It is up to us,
whatever our age, to ensure that no contribution to this endevour is
wasted because of age discrimination." -United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan Population has long been recognized as one of the
most important factors in the development process. Through much of the
second half of the 20th century, rapid population growth and the issues
related to reducing levels of mortality and fertility were on centre
stage. But today, the ageing of the population is increasingly being
recognized as a process of major significance for all societies. At the
International Conference on Population and Development, goals were set
concerning population trends and development. The United Nations
Population Fund (UNFPA) is the UN agency responsible for overseeing the
work to meet those goals. The Fund (UNFPA), which in the past has focused
primarily on the rapidly increasing population in the world, is also
mandated to increase awareness of population challenges that the world
will be facing in the 21st century, such as population ageing. In that
context, UNFPA is working to raise awareness and help countries prepare
for what is to come. The Fund considers population ageing issues to be a
part of the development process, and works to strengthen the capacity of
developing countries to address the concerns of older persons - especially
the older poor. UNFPA is also attempting to re-orient thinking about
ageing, both individual and societal, and to promote the integration of
ageing into a broader development framework that takes into account
lifelong individual development and relationships among generations. UNFPA's strategy on ageing focuses on four main
areas: advocacy, technical assistance, training and research. It
coordinates ageing programmes among governments, development agencies,
NGOs and the private sector. It supports the training of researchers and
policy-makers and research on populations at risk, socio-cultural studies,
and the situation and needs of older persons. In its activities, UNFPA emphasizes national and local capacity-building, with special focus on the most vulnerable older persons, including those who are very poor, those who are very old and frail, older women, minority groups, and rural communities. It supports a variety of types of projects, such as those that include life-course and multi-generational dimensions, and projects that support active ageing, income security, preventive health are, and community-based care and support. It also encourages a proactive approach, for timely and effective policy and programme interventions to enhance the quality of life of older persons. Preparing for Madrid UNFPA is taking part in the preparatory activities
leading up to the Second World Assembly on Ageing in 2002. In
collaboration with the United Nations Programme on Ageing, it organized a
Panel on Ageing and Development (United Nations Headquarters, October
2000) to explore ways to respond to the consequences of population ageing
and to provide a forum for discussing the implications of population
ageing on development. To explore ways to reduce poverty in old age,
especially among older women and the frail in developing countries, it
convened an Expert Group Meeting on Population Ageing and Development
(Malta, 29-31 October 2001) in collaboration with the United Nations
Programme on Ageing, the American Association of Retired Persons and
HelpAge International. At that meeting, experts from around the world presented papers on issues related to population ageing and development, with a focus on the poor in old age in developing countries. Some key issues emerged, such as donor bias, which has been attributed to a lack of understanding of the difficulties faced by older people in many countries, where pension schemes are either inadequate or don't exist, and where traditional family supports have eroded. A lack of policy and programmatic focus on older people in developing countries, especially the poor old, most of whom are women, was identified. At the same time, it was recognized that the positive economic and social contributions made by older persons - such as the 3 million grandparents in the USA who are the sole caregivers for their grandchildren - must be highlighted. Participatory surveys A new element presented in some of the research was
an increase in surveys that ask older poor directly what their main
concerns, issues and needs are. Some concerns were common. Many older
women said that they had been victims of violence, often within the
household, due to competition for scarce resources. And many older persons
expressed fear of losing their home - in all areas and countries, both
developing and developed. UNFPA is using the opportunity of the Second World Assembly on Ageing to place issues arising from population ageing - especially the basic social and health needs of older persons in developing countries - on the global development agenda. The Fund will participate actively in the Second World Assembly in Madrid and in the side events that are being planned. This article was based on information provided by UNFPA. For further information, please contact: United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) Abubakar Dungus, tel:(1-212) 297-5031 E-mail: dungus@unfpa.org For media inquiries, please contact: United Nations Department of Public Information Tel: (1-212) 963-0499 E-mail: mediainfo@un.org
Published by the United Nations Department of Public Information DPI/2264 March 2002
PO Box 20022, New York, NY 10025 Phone: +1 (212) 557-3163 - Fax: +1 (212) 557-3164 Email: globalaging@globalaging.org