The NGO Forum on Ageing 
held in Madrid from April 5 to April 9, 2002.


Pictures of the NGO Forum on Ageing












Logo World NGO Forum on Ageing

NGO Forum on Ageing 5-9 April 2002

Location: Juan Carlos I Exhibition Centre (IFEMA)




Julie Taylor               

Lavada Redding
Board of Directors' member of Women's Division, 
United Methodist GBGM


Julie Taylor               

Lavada Redding confers with 
Dr. Caroline Njuki
Assistant General Secretary, Health and Relief, 
United Methodist GBGM 


Global Action on Aging partners
 at the NGO Forum lunch together at the Juan Carlos Feria.


Julie Taylor                

Betty Letzig, Global Action on Aging volunteer,
 moderates workshop on social initiatives of older women in Ghana, Uganda, and USA to improve situation of older persons. Panelists are Mary Singletary, Negro Business and Professional Women; Caroline Njuki, Health and Relief Asst. Gen'l Sec'y, UMC/GBGM; Emmy Lou John, UMC/GBGM Board Director (l.-r.)


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