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Global Elder Rights Issues

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A World Tour of Older Persons Homes
Come on this World Tour to a little known place in the world to discover how older persons are living.

Reports & Articles


World: World Elder Abuse Awareness Day (June 15, 2012)

On June 15th, the Centre for Ageing and Rural Development (CARD) held its seventh worldwide Elder Abuse Awareness Day. It was the first time the event was held in Kenya. There were over 200 participants, many of whom listened to and interacted with guest speakers on many issues. They took up such topics as elder abuse, human rights violations, discrimination, neglect, lack of social and governmental support, old-age related illnesses and general poverty issues. While the event was successful, the organization needs resources to advance elder rights and to help abandoned seniors living in Nakuru. 

Report: A Study of Humanitarian Financing for Older People and People with Disabilities (February 2012)
Older people and people with disabilities are vulnerable to disasters and their effects. They suffer disproportionately and face particular challenges in terms of access and the continuation of livelihood activities. Study of the UN Consolidated Appeals Process and Flash Appeals in 2010 and 2011 are considered sufficient indicators of the levels of official funding allotted to older people and people with disabilities. Findings suggest that despite a slight increase in the number of funded projects that deal specifically with this vulnerable group, there is a long way to go to ensure that the humanitarian system answers to their needs in a forceful manner. 


India: Looking After Elders Makes Workers Fear Losing Job (July 23, 2012)

Researchers at Engage Mutual Assurance found that fourteen percent of adults between 40 and 65 years old fear that their employers consider employees taking time off to care for elderly family members as absenteeism. In contrast, only twenty-one percent of those polled think that employers would be supportive under such circumstances. Engage's Director feels that employers should be equally accepting of time off for elder care and child care. What do you think?

World: Older Adults Have a Right to Sex (June 6, 2012)
(Article in Spanish)
Spanish women ages 65 and older living in their own homes reported on their current sexual behavior.  20% said they had engaged in sexual activity and intercourse formed 60% of these cases.  When older adults live in a geriatric residence, privacy is often not permitted for intimate activities.  This lack of respect to older persons’ right to intimacy reflects a shortcoming in the training of caregivers and a social taboo against old age sexuality.

World: Seniors, Future Tourists (June 6, 2012)
(Article in Spanish)
By the year 2050, nearly one-third, 32 percent of the population in developed countries will be 60 years and over. As a result, the profile of the common tourist will change. Older tourists will determine their travel destinations by assessing infrastructure and access to quality health services. Starting in 1986, Imserso, the Spanish Institute for Elders and Social Services, launched a holiday program which subsidizes vacations for seniors. Nearly twelve million seniors have traveled with this program.

7 Ways to Save Your Relationships from Caregiver Stress (March 17, 2012)
Many family caregivers say the experience strengthens their bonds with the loved ones in their care. However, many of their other relationships are often strained and suffer as a result. This creates isolation, lost sources of support and a lot more stress. Caregivers should utilize protective buffers against relationship stress.

World: How Do the Elderly Make Their Decision to Stop Driving? (January 23, 2012)
(Article in Arabic)
A new census conducted by the US-based Hartford insurance company provides insight into its view of “safe” older drivers.  The company wants to suggest when older persons need to stop driving. But in fact, statistics indicate that the vast majority of older motorists are very cautious while driving.

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