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Europe's Elderly Face Inequality in Health Care 

By Rosamond Hutt, Community Newswire

United Kingdom

July 4, 2006

Help the Aged has today backed a new report highlighting inequalities in health care for the elderly across Europe.

The report from the charities International Longevity Centre-UK and the Merck Company Foundation found Europeans were generally living longer and better lives, but more vulnerable groups, such as ethnic minorities and the economically disadvantaged, were at greater risk of ill-health.

James Goodwin, head of research at Help the Aged, said: "There are differences in the way some countries organise access to doctors and health care and so older people living in France or Germany, for example, might get a better deal."

The report, called "The State of Ageing and Health in Europe", found excess disability and mortality in these "forgotten groups" posed a significant public health problem.

Elderly Europeans who are poor have a 30% to 65% higher risk of almost all chronic diseases, including stroke, cardiovascular disease and cancer, the report said.

It also found older women have a greater risk of depression and disability than their male counterparts.

Demographic trends have brought a major shift toward chronic illness in the region, particularly stroke, heart disease, cancer, cataracts, risk of falls and incontinence.

In those over 65, cancer and cardiovascular diseases account for around three-quarters of all deaths in Europe.

However, the report noted that disease and disability do not have to be synonymous with growing old.

It urged European societies to address the issues of ageing in a positive and constructive manner.

Sally Greengross, executive director of the International Longevity Centre-UK, said: "The ageing of the population in Europe is to be celebrated. But if we want this trend to continue, policy makers must factor the needs of an ageing society into the planning, organisation and delivery of services. Equity of access to services is critical.

"From a policy perspective age needs to be considered as part of the health inequalities debate. The impact of socio-economic factors, gender and age must be viewed together as they affect individuals' chances of achieving the best possible health outcomes into advanced age."

The report made a number of recommendations to governments including further investment in community services and working closely with voluntary and private sectors.

It argues for better information to be given to the elderly and their families so they are able to negotiate the complexities of health care systems.

The charities also want to see a move away from the "catastrophic and short-sighted view" that older people are a drain on health care resources.

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