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 Chemical Cosh Drugs to Be Cut 

by Two Thirds 

By Rebecca Smith, Daily Telegraph


October 27, 2010


United Kingdom

Chemical cosh drugs to be cut by two thirds

It is estimated 1,800 people die early because of the drugs Photo: GETTY

Currently, more than 140,000 people with dementia are given antipsychotics in order to keep them quiet.

However research has shown the drugs, which have no benefits in dementia, double the chance of death.

It is estimated 1,800 people die early because of the drugs.

At a conference in London , Paul Burstow, health minister, pledged to cut prescriptions of the drugs by two thirds by November next year.

The Department of Health has signed up to a new Dementia Action Alliance, along with 44 other organisations, each making their own pledges.

Ruth Sutherland, Acting Chief Executive of the Alzheimer’s Society, said: “Nearly 150,000 people with dementia are currently having their lives put at risk because of dangerous antipsychotic medication.

“A large scale reduction in the scandalous levels of inappropriate prescription cannot come soon enough and we are delighted to see the government back up its previous assurances by setting a firm deadline.

“These drugs have been found to double the risk of death and treble the risk of stroke so ensuring this commitment is met is essential.”

The Alzheimer’s Society released a list of questions that dementia patients and their families should ask care home staff, their GP or psychiatric nurse.

The questions are:

What is the treatment being prescribed for and are the drugs appropriate for this?

What are the benefits and risks of the treatment?

How long has the person with dementia already been on the treatment (It should be no longer than 12 weeks)

What are the alternative non drug and drug treatments? Why isn’t the person with dementia receiving access to these alternatives?

Does the person have capacity to give informed consent to continue treatment?

If the treatment is continued and the person does not have capacity, will there be a best interest meeting to fully discuss all of the options?

How long will the person with dementia remain on the treatment for and what are the arrangements for monitoring and reviewing the medication? 

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