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Renamo Disinformation On Pensions in Nampula

Agencia de Informacao de Mocambique


January 3, 2007

Senior citizens in parts of Mossuril district, in the northern Mozambican province of Nampula, are not receiving pensions from the National Social Welfare Institute (INAS), because of a disinformation campaign waged by members of the former rebel movement Renamo.

The Mossuril district administrator, Benedito Hama Thai, cited in Wednesday's issue of the Maputo daily "Noticias", said this was particularly true in the area of Muaualo where, during the war of destabilisation, Renamo had its regional military base that supplied weaponry to other bases in the province.

Hundreds of former Renamo guerrillas are still living in Muaualo with their respective families.

Thai explained that Renamo members are discouraging elderly people from receiving the pensions to which they entitled. They tell the elderly that the money is just a bribe to persuade them to join the ruling Frelimo party.

Hama Thai said that, when this disinformation campaign began, INAS workers faced serious difficulties in carrying out their duties.

But "people now understand that they are being prejudiced by political interests and they are receiving their pensions and other benefits", he said.

Thai added that it had taken serious efforts on the part of the local authorities to mobilise people and explain the situation.

Muaualo is part of the Mossuril administrative post of Luanga, an area which is often isolated from the rest of the district during the rainy season.

It has faced serious problems in the past when local people were reluctant to send their children to school, and when Renamo campaigned against the use of chlorine to purify drinking water.

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