NGO Forum on Ageing 
     5-9 April 2002


April 9, 2002


Abuse in ageing. A universal paradigm

Speakers: Lia Daichman, Elizabeth Podnieks, Gerry Bennet, Martha Peláez, Silvia Perel Levin, Laura Machado and Susan Azis
NGO: INPEA- International Network for the Prevention of Elder Abuse


Public policies: pensions and basic rent

Speakers: Pilar Palacios. José Antonio Pérez, Ignacio Pombo, Beatrice Hertogs
NGO: FERPA, Federación Europea de Jubilados y Personas Mayores / UDP, Unión Democrática de Pensionistas


Indigenous tradition and ageing

Speakers: Bessie MacKay, Navajo Elder, Paul Mayer.
NGO: Tribal Link Foundation, Inc.


Life long learning

Speakers: Louis Bourgeois, President of International Association of Universities of The Third Age; Raimonde Wagner, Dr. Rosa Perla Resnick, Prof. Terry Hokenstad, Prof. Dominelli.
NGO: FIAPA- Fédération Internationale des Associations des Personnes Agées /AIUTA- Associations Internationales des Universités du Troisième Age
/ IASSW (Int. Ass. Schools and social Work).


Ageing and labor market. 
Discrimination by age

Speakers: Carlos Paya Riera, Representative of the Spanish Federation of Unemployed people, Representative of FERPA, Franco Salvatori, Margarita García Durá
NGO: Spanish Red Cross / FERPA, Federación Europea de Jubilados y Personas Mayores / UDP-Unión Democrática de Pensionistas.


Looking At Ageing People Differently

Speakers: Eugenia Artero, Francoise Gaudemar, María Gómez Ginés
NGO: AIC, International Association of Charities



Three will be the number of acts that will set the last meeting of the NGO World Forum on Ageing. The afternoon will start with the older persons Parliament in which NGO from Spain and abroad will demand their concerns to different personalities from policy and economy. To continue, the closing act will take place with the Vice-secretary General of the United Nations, Nittin Desai and the Secretary General for Social Affairs, Concepción Dancausa. The Forum will end up with a plenary which will approve the conclusions.


NGO Forum day by day program



Global Action on Aging
PO Box 20022, New York, NY 10025
Phone: +1 (212) 557-3163 - Fax: +1 (212) 557-3164

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