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Checklist for Older Persons in Internally Displaced Persons Camps

Submitted to the

Representative of the UN Secretary-General on the Human Rights of Internally Displaced Persons Mr. Walter Kälin


Global Action on Aging and Help Age International

August 2005

This checklist has been designed in order to gain a rapid overview of the situation of older people in an IDP camp. 

  Demographic data

  1. Is there demographic data available disaggregated by age and gender? If not could it be included in data collection?
  2. What is the number of unaccompanied older people?
  3. What is the number of children being cared for by older people?
  4. How many older headed households are there?
  5. How many housebound older people are there?


  1. Are there special clinic days for older people?
  2. Are there outreach health services for the housebound?
  3. Are there drugs available to treat the common causes of morbidity amongst older people?
  4. What are main disabilities of older people? Is there a record in the camp?
  5. Are mobility aids available?


  1. Is the ration suitable for older people?
  2. Have older people been screened to enter feeding programmes?


  1. Are there special provisions to avoid older people queuing for long periods of time?
  2. Are there special provisions to help older people carry loads back from distribution points
  3. Are NFIs appropriate for older people? Eg clothes, extra blanket etc.


  1. Are older people represented on committees (eg health, water, women's etc)?
  2. Has an older people's committee been established?
  3. Are older people active participants in camp activities, eg literacy projects, life skills, agriculture etc?
  4. Are older people represented as a vulnerable group at camp management level?

Social support

  1. Do older people receive support from family and neighbours?
  2. Who is collecting fuel and water for older people?
  3. Have older people been separated from their families?

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