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Seniors Told Bingo Sign Illegal

By Joyce Russell, The Northwest Indiana Times

July 6, 2004

PORTAGE -- For some 20 years, members of Bonner Senior Center have rolled out their portable sign onto Central Avenue to advertise their monthly bingo games and semi-annual pancake breakfasts.

The city now has told them the sign is illegal, and that has the seniors more than a little upset.

"We're getting a petition up and asking as many seniors as possible to come to the council meeting," said Ed Daschbach, chairman of the center's Ways and Means Committee, which runs the bingo games. The council meets in regular session at 6:30 p.m. Tuesday at City Hall.

Daschbach said they also are asking Mayor Doug Olson to meet with seniors this morning.

"We feel we're being discriminated against," said Daschbach, pointing to other signs used by community organizations and churches within the city. "Budweiser comes in here with a great big truck. It's a sign, and it's portable."

Daschbach said the sign is put up on Central Avenue in front of the Portage Township Schools Media Service Center, just west of Aylesworth Elementary School, 14 times a year, each time for a few days, and then removed.

Portage Building Code Enforcement Officer John Siroky said Bonner is one of about a dozen groups or organizations recently notified its portable signs violated city code. The signs were outlawed in the city in 1999, said Siroky, adding that in most cases, the groups notified removed the signs.

He said there's no discrimination involved.

"I can't selectively enforce the code," said Siroky, adding there is a process to apply for an exemption, but that the center has not petitioned for an exemption at this point.

The concern over the sign started about three months ago, said Portage Township Trustee Jack Jent, who oversees the Bonner Senior Center, when the city sent a letter saying the sign was illegal because it was portable and on wheels.

"That sign has been up for 20 years and all of a sudden they want it down," Jent said.

Joyce Russell can be reached at joycer@nwitimes.com or (219) 76-4334.

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